@catsimboy: Actually, if you paid attention to the features, they're unlike what the competition offers. Also, pricing may not be as bad as their competition is. These predictions about how this or that means this or that is going to happen are really basic and tiring.
@spirewalk: How is this a glorified Wii U tablet? I don't think people realize the actual size of this system... It's probably twice as powerful as a PS Vita and costs 20% more.
@joshrmeyer: Yeah, I carry an Xbox One S in my suitcase - it's definitely not ideal but gets the job done. This system though, it's going to make me love traveling again.
@silversix_: What are you even talking about here? What isn't looking pretty? That these developers (who are wrong more times than right, let's be realistic) answered a survey about their sales projections for a console that the majority of them have probably never even touched? Sure.
@jimbobimbo: This "tablet" is actually the size of a large smartphone. That "Gameboy" you refer to is a huge seller, people love it...and this one has the ability to be played on the plane/train and then docked with a hotel room TV or at home.
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