@silversix_: Actually, its power compared to X1 and PS4 is around the same as PS2 as compared to GameCube and the original Xbox...a bit more than that, to be honest.
Except, it's also a portable...only a fool would not see that this is, in the very least, going to be another of Nintendo's successful platforms. But go figure, these comments sections are full of fools.
@silversix_: Even a broken clock is right twice a day. But you'll still likely be wrong...and I know this because I can grasp the concept of different architectures, clockspeeds, and already know the actual capabilities of the platform this is based on.
@silversix_: Your conclusion there is just as misguided as all of your previous ones. I don't want to hear mindless negativity from people who have virtually no idea what clock speed even means, as an example. Be it Nintendo, be it Microsoft, be it Sony, etc. etc. etc. You're obviously clueless and have no idea what you're talking about, as I already said.
@King_Pazuzu: Their pay last year included $20 billion in stock. Tim Cook already has the maximum stock allowed to be held so he's ineligible for that. It's in the linked document, page 38.
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