Am I the only one who thinks that all the sports Americans have invented are extremely boring?DSgamer64
Americans are bad a sport so the only way they could be the best in the world at any given team sport was to invent sports that no one else wanted to play. They made basketball too good and are now paying the price for it with losses in international games. American football should be safe though because i can't see anyone else wanting to play that :P
Is this meant to be good news or bad? I wonder if the Wii will get the new physics engine used in FIFA 07 for 360 because after playing it a lot I like it so much I can't go back to playing PS2 FIFAs, despite it's lack of modes/teams and general lack of polish in many other areas. FIFA 08 should iron out all that though.
Uhm, is it me, or are these screen not as impressive as these people are saying, it's not a "omg wow", they look alright, but GeOW looks more impressive.archpro
I prefer the style of Mass Effect and they use the same engine. The textures and lighting are very good.
The Unreal Engine 3.0 is the most advanced engine to be used in a game right now. Even on PC there isnt anything that looks better than it yet and PC hardware has potential to be much more powerful than the 360. I'm sure the UE 3.0 engine will be refined as the generation goes on and another developer might build something better than it for consoles before the generation is over (such an engine is already being built for PC - cry engine 2. The engine being used for Alan Wake is also looking very good)
These are the first that come to mind. Wing Commander 3, Warcraft 2, Space Quest 1-3, Kings Quest 3, Civilization 3, Resident Evil 1 & 2, Final Fantasy 8, Ace Combat 2-4, Comand & Conquer, KOTOR, Freelancer and Street Fighter 2.
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