Looking at the Bigger Picture now
PS3 is outselling 360 in EU, JP and NA
Mind you PS3 hasn't even dropped any of the Big Dogs on the Table yet.. I would Love to see how things are after the HD DVD burial and Lets say MGS4 are here
HD DVD aint going nowhere look at this ign articlce, HD DVD is up, Blu ray is down
That Data doesn't Include Sales Data for PS3 consoles or Blu-ray Burners. SHould It have, even If it was a decline percentage wise Blu-ray Still outsellss HD DVD players,
And More movies Sell on Blu-ray. I can only imagine what happens When Spider Man 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean 3 come on Blu-ray also the da Vinci Code...
Its true that blu ray is teh leader right now (and the best, 50GB disks for $2-3 will be awesome and worth the wait) however HD DVD is not dieing its just not winning. HD DVD has the cheapest adoptation cost so it is appealing to the less hardcore, who will win is up in the air for now, CES 2008 might start showing the emerging winner once manufactureres announce the players coming for 2008
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