I never return games but these scores make me wish that you still could if you didn't like it. I personally believe that I will love it and some of these reviews are a little harsh but Its hard not to be weary of it......man I really miss survival horror games.
I would like to see 1.) New Consoles 2.) Half life 3 w/ Half Life HD Remakes 3.) Doom 4 4.) Zelda HD 5.) Won't happen but B.C. and A new Breakdown Game. 6.) Viewtiful Joe 7.) Metal Gear Solid 5 - Not Rising, Imlooking foward to Rising but I still want to play as Snake 8.) Max Payne 9.) Resident Evil - As a Real survival horror not the action type ones My List is relatively small b/c I'm getting a lot of my titles from now till November
Infinity_Gauntl's comments