I don't believe tou will miss out on anything significant in terms of story for GW2 as GW2 takes place hundreds of years after GW1. There will undoubtedly be references to the first trilogy but it won't be a direct continuation of the story.
That being said, GW2 will involve some "transfer" of stats from GW1 players. Currently in GW1 there is a location known as the Hall of Monuments(HoM) that keeps track of your in game acomplishments. This is things like, dungeons completed, missions completed, titles aquired, minipets collected, etc. all of this is displayed in your HoM and GW2 will give a bonus to players who have a more complete HoM. These items so far have shown to be just simple collector items and nothing game breaking, but they were a neat trophy to have and show that you're a veteran GW1 player.
Finally the GW1 trilogy is a fantastic experience however. While its true the community has pretty much died down completely, it is possible to play the entire game solo, especially if you play Nightfall first because you will acquire the best Heroes(customizable henchmen) to accompany you in the other games. I actually prefer playing with my heroes over strangers because I can directly control heroes, I know what skills they have, I know what items they have equipped and I know they're reliable. Strangers can and will grief, run off, or just play plain terribly. There is a storyline to GW1 that is nothing overly fantastic, but it is fairly interesting. THe gameplay is where the game shines however, as old as it is, its still a blast to play, the PvE(player vs. environment) balance is done pretty well and the environments are diverse and varied.
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