Wow guys, seriously, Half Life 2? Out of all the games you could have picked between 1999 and 2009, you pick Half Life 2? The game that was essentially an updated version of the superior original, but this time with physics :?.
If you're talking about a comparable game to OoT in terms of influence, how about GTA III or Halo? (Regardless of whether you think the former is 12 year old trash or the latter destroyed FPSs)
If you're talking about redefining a genre, how about Super Mario Galaxy?
If you're talking about straight up timeless masterpieces, what about Deus Ex or, perhaps more importantly, Shadow of the Colossus?
Don't get me wrong, props to Half Life 2 and all, but you're talking about a game that did almost nothing but serve itself. Even then, it decided that it was too good to correct its own gunplay and A.I issues.
Half-Life 2 is not simply the original with upgraded graphics and a physics engine. That would be Half-Life Source.
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