I have decided not to do my V for Vendetta summarys anymore, I just don't feel like sitting down and re-reading each chapter after I have already read the whole book about 30 times. If anybody still wants to know how the book ends that hasn't read it yet then go to Wikipedia and search "V for Vendetta" they have a very good article on it.
Invader_Zim_72 Blog
The Simpsons Movie is Tomorrow!!!!
by Invader_Zim_72 on Comments
The Simpsons Movie is tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait, I am going to see it tomorrow after my mom gets home from work. I wanted to see it when it comes out at midnight but I can't, there aren't any theaters near me that do midnight screenings. I am so excited, I have been waiting so many years for this movie to come out and it's happening tomorrow!
Spider Pig
by Invader_Zim_72 on Comments
And for those who read my V for Vendetta summarys sorry I havn't posted the next chapter yet, I've been really busy, I'll try to get to it by tomorrow.
The Watchmen, Marvel Zombies, and The Walking Dead
by Invader_Zim_72 on Comments
Alan Moore on The Simpsons!!!
by Invader_Zim_72 on Comments
Guess who will have a guest role on an upcomming episode of The Simpsons....... It's Alan Moore!!! For those of you who don't know Alan Moore is a comic book writer, he wrote V for Vendetta,and he is my favorite writer ever. He will star as himself in a season 19 episode of The Simpsons called "Husbands and Knives" the sub-plot of this episode involves a rival comic book shop opening that threatens to put The Android's Dungeon out of bussiness and the store becomes even more popular when Alan Moore visits it. I'll tell you all when it is going to air as soon as I find out.
Marvel Zombies
by Invader_Zim_72 on Comments
Today I was looking onwikipedia and I learned about the comic book series Marvel Zombies. It looks so cool, basically it is what happens when all the heros from the Marvel Universe (Spiderman, X-Men, etc.)are turned into zombies, it sounds like a cool concept and from what I read the writers/artists did a good job of making it. Here's a list of all the comics in the series:
- Marvel Zombies: Dead Days (pre-prequel)
- Marvel Zombies vs. The Army of Darkness 1-5 (prequel)
Main Story:
- Ultimate Fantastic Four 21-23 (First Appearance of the Marvel Zombies universe)
- Marvel Zombies 1-5 (main series)
- Ultimate Fantastic Four 30-32
- Black Panther 28-32
I looked on eBay and saw auctions that had the main series andsome of the other series for under $40, that's a great deal!
V for Vendetta- Chapter 8
by Invader_Zim_72 on Comments
First of all I want to apologize that I haven't posted a new V for Vendetta summary in about a week, I have been very busy.
Chapter 8: The Valley:
This chapter picks up after chapter 7; Finch and Dominic Stone are in the Bishops room investigating his death. The Bishop is holding one of V's roses,
Then it switches to Finch at the Ear, he wants to know what they recorded but he finds out that V turned on a record player so the Ear could only hear part of the conversation. V put Beethoven's 5th on the record player; Finch makes a comment about how the first couple of notes are Morse code for "V".
Back at the Bishop's Finch and Dominic are investigating the room. They listen to the recording they got from the Ear and they are able to hear part of it, they hear V read the twenty- third psalm ("I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil" or something like that) and then V starts talking about religion and he mentions the communion wafer, V says ".... And at the moment this [he is talking about the communion wafer] enters your mouth it becomes the body of the saviour?" Bishop Lilliman says yes and V says "and whatever it is made of now becomes the body of Christ?" Lilliman says yes and V makes him eat the communion wafer.
Finch says that they just got the reports back on what killed the Bishop; he says that the cumminon wafer was full of cyanide, and then Finch says to Dominic "And do you know what? When it reached his abdomen it was still cyanide."
End of Chapter 8: The Valley:
Spider Man The Animated Series
by Invader_Zim_72 on Comments
Has anybody here seen Spider Man: The Animated Series (1994-1998 )? I really like that show, I wish that they would release the entire series on DVD! They only have a couple of DVD's out with like 4 episodes on each. I think the problem is the is that there is some kind of problem between Disney and Marvel about who owns the rights,the rights should just go back to Marvel and they should release the DVD.
Here's the link to where you can watch the first episode "Night of the Lizard"
X-Box Live
by Invader_Zim_72 on Comments
Does anybody have an X-Box 360and X-Box live? If you do and you want to add me as a friend send a friend request to: TV Freak
V for Vendetta - Chapter 7
by Invader_Zim_72 on Comments
This chapter picks up at the point where the previous chapter left off.
Chapter 7: Virtue Victorious:
Evey is in Bishop Lilliman's bedroom, Lilliman is flirting with Evey and she is clearly very uncomfortable. She tries to stalls him until V arrives, she asks to open a window.
Then we see V approaching the church where Lilliman and Evey are, and we see that there are 2 men in front standing guard.
Evey continues to stall Lilliman by saying "Uh... You've got a lovely voice, y'know, it's so sincere. I bet it would be really thrilling to hear you read something religious." Lilliman read her a bible verse.
V runs toward the 2 men standing guard, they reach for their guns but V kills them before they can shoot him. Then he climbs up the side of the church and goes in through a window.
Lilliman finishes reading the verse and tells Evey to take her dress off, Evey grabs the first thing she sees, a lamp, and she hits Lilliman in the head with it and runs out of the room. Lilliman gets up and runs after her, but V steps in the door way as he is about to leave the room.
We see 2 men at a control panel in the ear (the ear is where they listen to what the people of London are saying) The 2 men are listening to the people of London's conversations and they go to hear the Bishop, There is a lot of music in the background but they are able to hear Lilliman say "....was like hell. Men burning....Chocking in the yellow fog.... And I saw a black shape against the flames. A man. Oh god, who are you? Who are you really?" And V says in reply "I am the devil and I come to do the devils work."
End of Chapter 7: Virtue Victorious
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