This is the list of my top 10 favorite games of all time(so far).
10. Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra
I thought that this game is a worthy conclusion to the Xenosaga series. It tied up all lose ends you thought of, had a great leveling system, and a great storyline. When I first got this game, I had to stop myself from jumping up and down like a child, because I waited so long for it. I say, if you played the last two games, this is a must.
9. SSX 3
This is one of the great sports games on the PS2. It had an open-world area(you could go anywhere and do any 'quest' you want in any order). You had a great soundtrack, and cool characters with their own personalities.
8.Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stone
Any RPG fan or anyone with a GBA or DS should get this game. It has so many characters to recruit, and a compelling story to keep you drawn into it. With so many characters, you would think you don't learn much about them, but you're wrong. You can learn so much about all the characters, major and non-major all by making relationships(friendships and some characters have a love relationship, depending on who you pick, like choosing Joshua and Gerik, who will have a friendship relation) with other characters. If any characters die, they're gone for good. With all of this and a great story with so many different endings(you will always beat the bad guy, but how their lives turn out after that is chosen by what you did), you will be playing it for at least a month.
7. Dragonball Z: Budokai 3
My favorite PS2 fighting game from one of my favorite anime shows. It has a large variety of characters, most you know, and a few you don't(like Bardock, Goku's dad, Omega Shenron, from GT). I liked the way you could customize their moves and abilities, making your Gohan, for example, different from your friend's Gohan. The story was ok, but being able to fly around and looking for Dragonballs, and waiting for the story to move was ok, but it got tiring after the 5th playthrough. A good fighting game to get.
6. Radiata Stories
It's a really underrated game. Most people in the US didn't buy it, because Square-enix didn't promote it, didn't talk much about it, and overall, didn't care if it sold or not. I thought it was a very good game. It had a mature theme, and a funny main character( Your trouble is my bubble was funny, because he didn't know why he said it). The gameplay is like Star Ocean, and has many characters to recruit. You will have a fun time with this one.
5. Guitar Hero
One of the best musical games for the PS2(or musical games period). You have a great soundtrack(David Bowie, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Queen? You know this game rocks), and a cool controller to play it. I always feel like a rocker playing it. Anyone with a PS2 should get this.
4. Dragonball Z: Budokai 2
Same thing I said for Budokai 3, but with the story, you can have what ifs(like what if Gotenks fought Fat Buu? Would the saga of ended right away? Or how about if Adult Trunks fought him?), and customizable characters. I liked how the story is played on a gameboard, but it takes too long to get to the real battle.
3. Golden Sun
One of the best GBA games. I loved playing it. I loved the leveling system, where you can have a character, like Issac, becoming a fire user instead of an earth one like he's suppose to. The story is great and the characters are well-developed. This game was well-developed and had a lot of time put into it.
2. Kingdom Hearts
A game that shows that just because this game has kiddy characters and levels, doesn't mean that this is a child's game. This has a mature theme with a great cast of characters. The VA's were well chosen for their characters and the gameplay is pretty interesting, but kinda blocky(but it is improved in KH2). Traveling and destroying heartless, and eventually taking on Sephiroth with Donald and Goofy is fun and will keep you in your seat for a long time.
Now for the number one game........
1. Final Fantasy X
The reason this game is number one is because this game is the game that made me get into videogames and technology in the first place. This game made me the way I am now(in terms of gaming). I loved every minutes playing this game, from getting my first Aeon, to getting the ultimate weapons. I liked how the Sphere grid is used, the music, and everything inbetween. The story moved me, and made me think how the people are in fear of Sin, which I wondered why Sin was given that name, and how it relates to reality(it's true, I'm telling you). I also liked the minigame, Blitzball. It's very addicting. I say everybody should get this game.
This is my list. Come comment on what you think about it.
P.S. The Video contest will be back in a few days maybe.
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