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IpodHero176 Blog

2 days left!!

I only have 2 days left until school ends:D I just finished taking my IPC and French exam. The IPC exam wasn't so bad, but the French exam had 200 questions!!! 200! I think that's a little too many, don't you? I took my Algerbra exam yesterday, and it was pretty well-balanced; not too hard, but not too easy. I take my World Geo tomorrow, and I think I'll do well on it.

Now for the big thing yesterday. Heroes ROCKED!!! Sylar is a great villan for this show:D I liked how crazy he was when [spoiler] He wanted to kill Peter(mimic guy) because he wanted to destroy all of New York before Peter did. [/spoiler] I liked how Hiro conquered his fear of fighting Sylar, and beat him down. Heroes doesn't have many funny moments, but when [spoiler] Nikki( crazy-girl with super strength) beats down Sylar with a parking meter he pulled out to kill Peter, I laughed my butt off:lol: [/spoiler] If you missed the episode, then you can see it Friday on Sci-Fi channel ( 7 PM eastern/ 6 PM Central, I think). They should pay me for advertising and promoting this show:P

Here are some videos I found on youtube. They're pretty good:D



This one is really good.


Tell me what you think about them.

Vid contests& news

You all remember my Bon Jovi video, right? Well apparently it got deleted, and I got modded because I uploaded copyrighted material. The main thing is, that I gave credit to Bon Jovi, saying that this is HIS song, and everything about it belongs to HIM. I guess doing all that doesn't matter. I'm not too angry, because they were doing their job, but other people post music by major artists, and some of that doesn't get deleted, so why just me? Oh well, what's done is done, but I don't see the problem with me posting it. And because of this deletion, I WILL NOT POST ANYMORE VIDEOS ON GAMESPOT ANYMORE. It seems a little extreme, but this is what I'm going to do. When I want to show you guys a video, I will show you one on Youtube.

Anyways, in school news, my first final exam is Monday and it's Algebra:cry: I hate algebra! I guess I'm going to have to study a lot, to make a good grade:D My last exam will be English, and that's on Thursday. I think my most difficult test will be the French exam,but I'll try my best:)

In other news, I'm definitely getting Last Remnant. It's like a darker FF(I mean really dark, in terms of the setting). When I was reading GI, they said that the gamers in Japan will relate(and like more) to Rush, the main character. They also said that the American gamers will relate(and like) a guy nicknamed The Conqueror, since he's more bloodthirsty, which I think is a little stereotypical on both parts, but I like The Conqueror by what I've heard, but I might like Rush when I play it, so what GI said was a stereotypical opinion. This game might be rated M, by what I've seen about it. I know this game is Square-Enix's answer to Mistwalker's Lost Odyssey game(they're both coming out on the 360), but I'm getting both:D

Here's the semi-finals between the 2 vids you called back to fight the Naruto vid. They are.....

Code Geass- Black Fire


Redemption of the heart

Remember, the power to help a vid is in your hands.

New vid and GH: Rock the 80s

I recently found out 7 songs in the PS2 expansion of Guitar Hero 2. The ones in bold are the songs.

They are...

I Wanna Rock - Twisted Sister (Master Track)

I Ran (So Far Away) - A Flock of Seagulls (Master Track)

Round and Round - Ratt

I Want Candy - Bow Wow Wow

Metal Health - Quiet Riot

Holy Diver - Dio

Heat of the Moment - Asia

It's going to be interesting to see what the rest of the songs are in it:D

 I need to renew my Gameinformer account, which I will tomorrow:)

i can't believe that I will be out of school in 2 weeks! i'm going to have exams in two weeks also:( but it's ok, I'll be ready.

Anyways, I said in my last blog that I will upload a new video onto GameSpot, which I did. It's an old song, but it's a good one. I think it should be in Guitar Hero 3. It is Jon Bon Jovi's song, You Give Love a Bad Name. Check it out and tell me what you think about it. I like the song, it's cool:D

The vid contest will be back in the next blog or two I make. So remember, keep on gaming.


UPDATE: GS deleted the vid, due to an infringement(I gave credit to Bon Jovi and his band, but I guess that doesn't matter). Here's the vid on Youtube.

Sorry about the deletion:oops:

Spiderman 3 and good upcoming movies

Yep, I finally saw Spiderman 3. It was alright(I love dark Spidey, he was cool). There were a few problems with it, like you can tell the cast didn't have as much enthusiasm with this movie, compared to the other two. The ending wasn't that good, they should of ended it at [spoiler] When Harry died, or at his funeral. I liked that part as an ending, but the part when MJ and Peter are dancing to a song about giving up on love didn't feel like an ending. [/spoiler]

I liked Dark Spiderman, he was awesome. Seeing the dark side of Spiderman, was a great part of the movie. i really loved when [spoiler] Peter threw one of Harry's bombs back at him, making it explode in his face [/spoiler] That was a cool scene. The special effects were great, and it showed how much money they put in the movie. I wish it wasn't so sentimental(I like the moral of the story, but I didn't like how MJ was nearly helpless and selfess in the movie, I wanted her to be more independent and humbled. I liked though, how you can see the changes Peter went through, and can see how evil he's become. Also, I liked how a little revenge can go a long ways, ruining your life or career). Overall, I would give the movie a 7/10.

The commercials for the movie were great. I want to see all, but 2 of them. The first one I'm definately going to see is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The special effects look great, and I want to see how they did on the story, and compare it to the book(that's what I do to the other movies). The next movie I want to see have...............PIRATES!!!! Yeah, Pirates 3: At World's End, looks sweet. I really can't wait for that one, and I hope they put that in Kingdom Hearts 3. Another movie is the Bourne Ultimateum. That's going to be action-packed. The last one is Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer. The special effects look good, but I didn't really like how they fought the villan in the first movie, but I can forgive them since they have Jessica Alba again(you have to agree, she's really hot:D ).

Well, that's my day. I got my Progress report, and my grades got higher:D My parents are happy, which is why I got to go to the movies:) I got tomorrow off, because of Staff Development day, which is great, because I have the whole day off and I get to watch a new episode of Heroes:D

I'm also going to upload a new video soon, depending when i get aroung to it. See you guys(and girls :P ) soon. Keep on gaming(my new catchphrase, what do you think?).

I'm going to give you all a video, by one of my favorite bands.

Here is FLOW

10 Years?! And Vid contest on hiatus *again*

So far, I've been having a good week. I've gotten far in FF3. I do need to get Diamond though, it's really good(I hear). I've brought up my grades in all of my classes to high B's or A's.

I went on Bethseda website(the guys who created Oblivion), and found out that they need videogame testers. Unfortunately, you have to be 18 years old, or older:( I'm only 15. I might call them anyways and ask if they can make me a tester, and they might say yes. I would also ask them if they can make an exception, tell them how much I want to be in the industry, and, hope they say yes. I would do a company like Square-enix, but the problem is they're in Japan, and all I could do is translate here in the US.

 Anyways, I have learned that Square-enix are going to make FFXIII a 13-year span, meaning that in that series(the FF13 series), it's going to span 10 years, meaning that other than FFXIII and Versus XIII, they're going to have spinoffs and other games related to the XIII universe. My thought? As much as I like FF games for 10 years, that's.....WAY TOO MANY GAMES!!!!! There is no need to make 10 years of spinoffs for one main one. I don't want this to be the truth, but I think that SE's director, Nomura, is running out of ideas. That is really bad for a game company, since you have to have ideas all the time. It does explain all the remakes though. I wish that real gamers, I mean real gamers like us, were developers and publishers, then I think better games would be coming out. You wouldn't see many games that are similar, they would all have different twists.

That's another reason why I want to be a game creator, so i can bring new ideas and concepts to the videogame industry. I have many ideas, and intresting engines to make them with. For example, I have an idea to make a game with the story and development like FF, and gameplay like Crackdown. My thing is, I want games to bring the gamer to another world, or see this world differently. I want gamers to have fun with the game, and not to play it once, and go off and buy another exactly like the one they just played. I want them to have fun with it, and enjoy it.

Here are 5 videos I found on Youtube that I wanted to show you. Tell me what you think about them.






PS: One is from Guitar Hero, guess which one:wink:


Woah! Bauer has nothing on them! And Jounin.

If you didn't know, yesterday was the return of Heroes(yay:) )! It was a great episode, with good twists. I especially liked Peter(mimic guy) versus Sylar(guy killing others, and taking their powers). When Peter used Claire(Hayden)'s power to heal and then used Sylar's own powers against him was awesome! I would not want to be the hero that has died(yes, a hero has dies, but I won't tell:P ), how they died was just painful. I was also glad to see Hayden again:), after waiting a month:P

Anyways, I got my science test back, and got a.....94!! I finally get an A in IPC(I got mostly B's). I got the highest grade in the class. The guy who sleeps in the class and gets good grades, got an F. I did the corrections, which bumped my 94 to a 100:)

In Naruto Arena(whiched I joined, thanks to ZeroWingCATS), I am now a Jounin. It took awhile, espeially after a losing streak I was having, but I made it! If you want to fight me, PM me, because I'm always ready. Here's my Ninja Card.

Now, to the moment you've been waiting for, the video contest.

Here is a twist, you're voting which videos go up against Naruto Hell in the finals! This is the Semi-semi-finals:lol: You're going to vote once in Contest #1, and once in contest # 2. Who will win??!!!!!!

Contest #1

Here is Redemption of the Heart!


Dream On with Final Fantasy


Contest # 2

Dancing Affair(it's goes with the song, and a little funny)


Code Geass- Black Fire

Remember vote ONCE in Contest # 1, and ONCE in Contest # 2. Who will fight Naruto Hell in the Finals? Only you can choose:D

Sickness and a Test?!

Yes, I'm sick:( and we're having the TAKS test his week. TAKS is a state standarized test(I think all states take it, but under a different name, I know California has it called CATS). Freshmen(me) and in-betweeners(people who are in 10th grade, but have 9th grade classes) test tomorrow. I knew I was coming down with something because my throat got really raw and sore a few days ago. When I took a hot shower, my throat felt a whole lot better, but my nose was stopped up:evil: I couldn't sleep though. When I woke up, I was all sick and stuff, but I dragged myself to school. I felt the same yesterday, but a little better. Today, my parents said." STAY HOME!!!!" I was all like" You don't have to tell me twice:lol: " and went right back to bed. When I woke up(at 9), I went on GS and stayed on that for awhile:) I'm feeling better, which is good because Freshmen test tomorrow:(

This is what gets me. Seniors don't have to come to school this week because they don't take TAKS. Juniors take 3 TAKS tests, and Sophmores take 4. I say when you don't have to take a TAKS test, then we have the day off. Example, we(freshmen) shouldn't be able to go to school today. They have nothing planned for us(the principle told us that).

I hope I feel better before Monday, because that's when..... Heroes comes back, yeah!!!

I uploaded the REAL secret ending in Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix. If you played the English KHs, you know that our secret ending is short(1 minute!!), This is the real ending that Japan got, which is 3 minutes! You should check it out, and comment on what you think about it. I'm trying to find and download KH2 secret ending(the longer one), so wish me luck.

Here is the video contest, back from hiatus.

Naruto Hell

And its opponent....

Body Breakdown- Final Fantasy IX(Yes, that solo was a guitar)

 You know what to do, vote on the one you think should survive to the next round.

No MP3, but VI and III

I went to Wal-Mart to get the DS M3 Player, but I had to wait for my mom to buy everything in the store:roll: she buys way too much. When I finally get to the electronics section, the DS M3 Player is gone. I was so angry, but I got over it when I saw Final Fantasy III and Final Fantasy VI: Advance. I told her to use my Ipod money to get it and we did:D I'm enjoying III so much. It has a great customization system. I'm going to play VI after I finish III, and I can't wait. III is so good, I'm playing it in class. My bus driver is out for the week, so we have a sub, who doesn't know where to go. He was late picking us up yesterday, my friends and I said"forget this!" and we walked home from our school, which is like 2-3 miles away. Right when we got up to the corner store, the bus went right past us, with these guys laughing at us for not waiting. We started laughing, when the bus went in the completely wrong direction to our area(he went to another subdivision). He was almost late today too, but we waited. When I was on the bus, I was playing III too. So great of a game. I'm glad they remade it:)

Top 10 Favorite games

This is the list of my top 10 favorite games of all time(so far).

10. Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra

I thought that this game is a worthy conclusion to the Xenosaga series. It tied up all lose ends you thought of, had a great leveling system, and a great storyline. When I first got this game, I had to stop myself from jumping up and down like a child, because I waited so long for it. I say, if you played the last two games, this is a must.

9. SSX 3

This is one of the great sports games on the PS2. It had an open-world area(you could go anywhere and do any 'quest' you want in any order). You had a great soundtrack, and cool characters with their own personalities.

8.Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stone

Any RPG fan or anyone with a GBA or DS should get this game. It has so many characters to recruit, and a compelling story to keep you drawn into it. With so many characters, you would think you don't learn much about them, but you're wrong. You can learn so much about all the characters, major and non-major all by making relationships(friendships and some characters have a love relationship, depending on who you pick, like choosing Joshua and Gerik, who will have a friendship relation) with other characters. If any characters die, they're gone for good. With all of this and a great story with so many different endings(you will always beat the bad guy, but how their lives turn out after that is chosen by what you did), you will be playing it for at least a month.

7. Dragonball Z: Budokai 3

My favorite PS2 fighting game from one of my favorite anime shows. It has a large variety of characters, most you know, and a few you don't(like Bardock, Goku's dad, Omega Shenron, from GT). I liked the way you could customize their moves and abilities, making your Gohan, for example, different from your friend's Gohan. The story was ok, but being able to fly around and looking for Dragonballs, and waiting for the story to move was ok, but it got tiring after the 5th playthrough. A good fighting game to get.

6. Radiata Stories

It's a really underrated game. Most people in the US didn't buy it, because Square-enix didn't promote it, didn't talk much about it, and overall, didn't care if it sold or not. I thought it was a very good game. It had a mature theme, and a funny main character( Your trouble is my bubble was funny, because he didn't know why he said it). The gameplay is like Star Ocean, and has many characters to recruit. You will have a fun time with this one.

5. Guitar Hero

One of the best musical games for the PS2(or musical games period). You have a great soundtrack(David Bowie, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Queen? You know this game rocks), and a cool controller to play it. I always feel like a rocker playing it. Anyone with a PS2 should get this.

4. Dragonball Z: Budokai 2

Same thing I said for Budokai 3, but with the story, you can have what ifs(like what if Gotenks fought Fat Buu? Would the saga of ended right away? Or how about if Adult Trunks fought him?), and customizable characters. I liked how the story is played on a gameboard, but it takes too long to get to the real battle.

3. Golden Sun

One of the best GBA games. I loved playing it. I loved the leveling system, where you can have a character, like Issac, becoming a fire user instead of an earth one like he's suppose to. The story is great and the characters are well-developed. This  game was well-developed and had a lot of time put into it.

2. Kingdom Hearts

A game that shows that just because this game has kiddy characters and levels, doesn't mean that this is a child's game. This has a mature theme with a great cast of characters. The VA's were well chosen for their characters and the gameplay is pretty interesting, but kinda blocky(but it is improved in KH2). Traveling and destroying heartless, and eventually taking on Sephiroth with Donald and Goofy is fun and will keep you in your seat for a long time.

Now for the number one game........

1. Final Fantasy X

The reason this game is number one is because this game is the game that made me get into videogames and technology in the first place. This game made me the way I am now(in terms of gaming). I loved every minutes playing this game, from getting my first Aeon, to getting the ultimate weapons. I liked how the Sphere grid is used, the music, and everything inbetween. The story moved me, and made me think how the people are in fear of Sin, which I wondered why Sin was given that name, and how it relates to reality(it's true, I'm telling you). I also liked the minigame, Blitzball. It's very addicting. I say everybody should get this game.

This is my list. Come comment on what you think about it.

P.S. The Video contest will be back in a few days maybe.

Happy 50th Blog!!!!

Yes, this is my 50th blog post. Happy 50th blog:) I finished my review on Final Fantasy XII, and recommend that you all check it out. I just realized that I'm getting better in reviewing games, which is real cool. I thought my Guitar Hero II review should be in Game Informer(not being cocky, I just thought it should be after I read it). I joined this online game called Naruto Arena, which is really cool. My record so far, is 4 wins and 5 losses. I'm getting a little better in it. I guess all unions are having that level up glitch, because my union hasn't leveled up, or any of the other unions I'm in have.

Also, here is round four of the video contest. Remember, you have to power to advance a video. Which one will it be? Here are your contestants.

Naruto Hell

Don't Fear Advent Children(not the video's real name, but sounds cool)

Vote to see who goes on.