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IpodHero176 Blog

New song and a Hi-larious video I found

This video here is Chance by UVERworld(the group that did D-TECHNOLIFE). It's a pretty good song and the video is great, artisticly and musicly too.

This video I found on Youtube is so funny. I laughed so hard I almost started to cry. This is mostly for people who watch Heroes, but I think all of you should see this video. Here's the link.

Comment and say what you think about both videos. Thank you.


UPDATE: I got a new icon, what do you think? It's from the anime Air Gear.

New Video(FINALLY!!) and an update.

This is a new video that it took me a week to upload because it kept canceling out, but now it's uploaded. This song, Rewrite, was the latest opening for Full Metal Alchemist before it was canceled in Japan and the US. I just put this song on my Itunes recently, and I think this song should be in GH3, when you hear it, you'll agree.

The update is I BEAT GRAW!!!! Yay! It was a great game, and I was going to trade it in, but I changed my mind after I played the first 30 minutes of it. I also made two new reviews all of you should check out, one is the review on GRAW, and the other is on Advance Wars: Dual Strike. Check them out and PM me telling what you think about it.

Anyways, check out Rewrite and comment on what you think about it. Thanks.


The new song this week

This is one of my favorite songs, and a song that got me into the J-Pop music genre. This is the second theme song to Bleach, which actually goes with the show. The artist is UVERworld just in case you want to get their soundtrack(which I say you get). If you want a great example of a good J-Pop song, this is it. The music video is ok though. Come and post a comment and say what you think of the song. Thanks.


Finally, more games and an update on my life!

After having only two 360 games, I finally bought more 360 games. The new games are GRAW, Chromehounds, and Call of Duty 2. They're really cool, especially GRAW. My Gamescore has increased too from 685 to 755. In GRAW, I'm at the part right after you save the Mexican President, Vincent Ballentine. It's a really action-packed game, but I love it. Chromehounds is pretty good too, and COD2 is cool also. Now in school, we're going to start practicing for the TAKS test(it's an enormous exam that lasts for around 2-3 days).

In t.v. news, Heroes gets more interesting since the cheerleader has found her real parents(I'm not going to tell you who they are, but if you watch the show, you know the person) and the Mimic Boy(Peter Petrelli), is getting trained by this guy who can become invisible, so he can control all the powers he absorbs.

Back into the real world, I went to the Apple store in the mall, and I loved it. Everything looked futuristic and there were Ipods everywhere. The computers look great there and all the Ipod accesories that I wanted to get(before my Ipod Nano broke), are there, with plenty for all. A new Gameinformer has come out, and I still haven't got it yet(I might get it this week). I don't know why I'm putting this in, but I still have a crush on Hayden Panettiere( I think it's increasing, but I don't know, she seems cuter and hotter now, I think I need help, but I don't care, I like her).

All of the football team knows that I've quit too, which is fine because I wasn't keeping it a secret. I've improved my Algebra grade by a few points too. I can't wait for Def Jam: Icon and Blue Dragon to come out too. My videogame idea is coming along nicely. I'm at the level designs and character designs(I have most of the characters down though). Also, I let my friend onto the project too, so it's going a little faster. I might get my other friend into the art section too. The storyline is comg out pretty good too. I also have a new favorite song in my Top 10 also. Here is my top 10 list now.

1. Invoke- T.M. Revolution

2.Pride- High and Mighty Color

3. Go!- FLOW


5.Web of Night- T.M. Revolution

6.No Reason- Sum 41

7.(tie) Still Waiting- Sum 41& Animal I've Become- Three Days Grace

8.Asterisk- Orange Range

9.(tie) Chain- Back On & King Kong- Jibbs

10.Famous Last Words- My Chemical Romance

That's my update on my life for all of you, it was a kinda boring week. At least I get to see the real Simpsons Movie trailer tonight. Everyone have a good week and remember that another song blog is coming out tomorrow or Tuesday. It could be your favorite song, or a song you'll grow to like, you never know. Until next time.

New Upload and New Song this week!

This is the first song this week, and a pretty cool song. This is also my second upload too. This is Jibbs featuring Chamillionaire. Also, anybody getting Def Jam: Icon, put this song on your hardrive, you will destroy your opponent(so many bass beats, so many hazards). Enjoy and post a comment.


My thought on the console war

Hello everyone, I wanted to put my 2 cents into this console war. Just for a recap, some people are for the 360, some for the PS3, and some for the Wii. Now, my thoughts aren't going to be siding for one system and making you buy one, I just want to put my thoughts in it.

First, we have the Xbox 360 by Microsoft. The advantage this system had against the other two is the one year release prior to the PS3 and Wii. It's price at $400 got to some people, but they managed to buy it. It came out with a couple of good games at launch, with a few original games only for it(like Perfect Dark Zero and DOA4). The biggest disadvantage was, of course, the overheating and the lights of death. People were playing their systems for a while and then the lights would come on. it was like the videogame industry's West Nile Virus, everyone was on edge about it. They did fix it though and you can always send it to them for $132. Another disadvantage is the sound of the ventilation system. It is so loud that people compare it to a jet or helicopter.

Now the Playstation 3. Released by Sony, and is the third(or fourth if you count the PSX) of the playstation series. The advantage this console has is the Blu-ray for half the price it is to buy it separately. You get a motion-sensitive controller that moves your character/car/dragon in the way you tilted it, which is a pretty interesting concept to use. The graphics are very beautiful too, in Resistance, you can actually see the bulletholes in the wall where you shot it. The biggest disadvantage is the price. At $600, it has a lot of people rethinking their thought on buying it. The 360's price was on the borderline, but the PS3's price was way past the line. Also, the backwards-compatibility isn't as good as its predecessor, the PS2. With the PS2, some of the PS1 games looked better, while most of them looked the same on the PS2. With the PS3, the PS2 game graphics don't look as good as they were on the PS2, mostly worst. There is also a few PS1 & PS2 games that have tech glitches when on the PS3. They are working on it though.

Last, but not least, the Nintendo Wii. An advantage this system has is its low price. At $250, it's a good price for someone on a budget that wants to still have a good playing experience without paying so much. The controller is very interactive, making the player stand up and literally do the moves that normally, would be done by a button-press combo. The Wii channel is cool and it doesn't leave Nintendo out of the internet thing like the Gamecube was last gen(the PS2 had PSOnline,and Xbox had Live). The disadvantage is with a cheaper price, comes cheaper items. The graphics aren't changed from the Gamecube, they're exactly alike. Another is so far, there is no online play games like the other two gamesystems. It would be awsome to have Super Smash Brothers Brawl with online play.

That was a little recap. Now my opinion on the winner of the console war. Drumroll please(bum-bum-bum-bum-bum) THERE IS NO WINNER! Each system has the same amount  of strengths and weaknesses. I have a Xbox 360, and even though I like it very much, I say it's not the winner. In the last generation, the PS2 won because of the amount of games, the quality of them, and the longetivity of the console itself(it's 2007, and we're still waiting for games like GOW2). This generation, you can't say that for any console because they all have quality games coming out or are out(360= Gears/Halo 3/Bioshock, PS3=Resistance/FFXIII/MGS:GOP, and the Wii=LOZ:TP/SSBB/Mario Galaxy). They have interesting things for you to interact online too, giving you more ways to chat it up with friends and make new ones too. Each of them seems to have a long life ahead of them too(with Halo 3, Bioshock, and GRAW2 coming out for the 360, SSBB, Super Mario Galaxy, and Metroid Prime 3:Corruption for the Wii, and FFXIII, DMC4, MGS:GOP for the PS3, I see people playing these systems for a long, long time). So if you have a Wii or 360 or PS3, don't let it get to you that someone with the opposite system(or systems) talk about you or make fun about your system, you enjoy your system to its fullest extent. That was my thoughts on the console wars and on all three systems. Everybody have a good play now. Come and comment too.

2nd song this week

This is the second song this week, Chain Hang Low. If it wasn't for football, I've never would of heard of this song or the artist. I'm glad I joined, this is a great rap song. I deem this song Ipod worthy, so all of you put this song on your Ipods. Enjoy.


Is this Ok?

I was just playing Oblivion and when I was done, I started listening to my music on my hardrive. I then shut the console down and pulled the plug out. When I pulled out the plug, the red lights came on. They were not bright, they were dull, but should I be worryed? I turned it back on, and it was all fine and I turned it off and waited awhile to to take out the plug and it didn't come up. Should I be alright?

The first song this week!

This song is the opening of one of my favorite animes. This is Yui with Rolling Star, the newest opening of Bleach. If you haven't heard of Bleach, check it out, it's good, trust me.


Air Gears

The new anime that is getting popular at my school is Air Gears. It's about a middle-schooler, Ikki, getting these things called ATs(ATs are rollerblades that have small motors, but they have as much power as a HD tv). He gets them after he gets humiliated by a stormrider group called the Soul Saders. He finds out that these girls he lives with(they took him in after his parents died and don't like him using ATs), are the Sleeping Forests, the best AT riders ever created. Some of the higher-ranked riders think Ikki is the Sky King, a rider of legend. This anime is really good. It's kinda slow in the beginning, but it picks up. The fight scenes are cool(martial arts and rollerblades do mix) and some of the characters are truely hilarious(their teacher Ton-san is funny, and cracks me up everytime). I recommend this to all my friends. Even though it's 25 episodes, the manga continues, so don't worry.