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IpodHero176 Blog

Meet your maker

If you don't have GH3 for the 360, then you might not be familiar with this. It is the achievement for defeating one of the creators of the game.


Now I have it!!:D

I thought I would never get it, but I was playing against someone, and they lost and then I get a notification that I got it:)

Also, I just had a little spring cleaning of my friends list. It's mostly the ones that did not ever talk to me through PMs or post in my blogs. I did this so I can view the people who are active with me, but I don't post in their new blogs most of the time because I couldn't see them. It was hard, but I had to make a decision. I also set my profile to private, so only my friends can see it.

Anyways, I completed Final Fantasy 9:) The ending was good, but so far, no FF ending beat FFX and/or FFVI(they're tied). I wanted to see if I an beat FF9 before Crisis Core came out. Now, I'm going to finish FF7(I'm like 7% done:lol: ). So far, the game has picked up the pace. I thought it was moving slowly at first, but now, it's moving smoothly:) The funniest part so far is

[spoiler] Cloud dressing up as a girl. That whole event was hilarious. Too bad the ESRB doesn't have that kind of sense of humor and would give the game if remade, an M rating because of it. Maybe the swearing too. [/spoiler]

I finally posted the review to Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions. I would appreciate if you read and recommend it:) Tell me what you think about it also(like some constructive criticism).

Now for the song of the blog:P I don't think that title will stick. Anyways, here's a band that did something pretty cool and put themselves in the video of the paparazzi fawning over celebrities. Confusing, watch the vid and you'll know what I mean:)

NOTE: They are the guys with the shirts that say "Bandarazzi"

Cursive Memory

EDIT: Since I didn't post a vid in the last blog, here's another one for you guys:D

Eat the Rich

Been off for awhile

My internet connection has been messing up for the past few days, which is why I wasn't on. Now, it's working fine:)

I haven't gotten any new games yet, but I'm holding out for Crisis Core:D

I'm nearly done with FF9, just a few boss battles to go:)

The union I'm leader in, The Final Fantasy union is going well. We have some cool games going on like FF Quiz(created by Gorman), which will test your FF knowlegde outside the game series and into the development of the games.

These are the top 5 games I want to get that are being released this year:

5. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII


4. Prototype


3. Ninja Gaiden 2


2. Dragon Quest IX


1. Fallout 3


I just read my Game Informer, and they scored Lost Odyssey and Crisis Core.

They gave Lost Odyssey an 8.5

and they gave Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII a......


[spoiler] 7.5! I thought theywould give it an 8 or a 9, but I guess I was wrong. I bet GS willl give it a 8.5 or a 9. [/spoiler]

The final Game Annoyance!

It's finally here, but first, an update on me.

As we all know, it's only a few days until the release of Super Smash Brothers Brawl. My friends and I were going to enter the SSBB tournament all the Gamestops are going to have, but the main problem is that it's exactly when the game is released, at midnight. I think that's a bad move to do. You would get more people at the tourney if it was in the day or later on in the evening. the second problem was that it's on Sunday, and I have school the next day, so i have to get sleep. I can't take off school because I have been absent for a few times before because I was really sick. I have 3 absences left, and I don't want to use them.

To anyone going to enter, good luck! And play for your friend Ipod.:D

In other gaming news, I am almost done with Final Fantasy IX. I'm at

[spoiler] nearly the end of the 3rd disc. We found Hilda, Cid's wife and she transformed him back into a human. Now they are all going to take on Kuja. [/spoiler]

And now for the gaming annoyance #1!

1. Console War

While yes, this promotes competition between publishers of consoles, this has been tearing the gaming community apart. The conflicts have become more intense than the Witch-hunts back in the old days, and I'm not exaggerating. I've seen a PS3 fan agreeing with a 360 fan, just to get harassed by 3 other 360 fans, including the one who the guy agreed upon. Now Sony fans might be agreeing with this, but you guys are in the same boat. In every debate-turn-war,you guys keep bringing up the RROD(Red ring of death), when you guys were talking about which console has good games for that person who made the topic. The Nintendo fans aren't as bad compared to the other two, but when it comes to the DS, you guys go berserk when it goes against the PSP(not all, but most).

Major gaming sites have even contributed to it. GS made a thread for it, and the only thing oyu can do on it is act like a wild fanboy. If you post even the littlest post that's intelligent, you will get banned, but if you make a thread that says a certain console is bad and that another console is better, you don't get moderated. If that's not promoting rashness and ignorance over intelligence then I don't know what I'm talking about:P I think we're all at fault on this one. What about you Ipod? Me too, I'm at fault too, maybe even more than all of you, because I have participated in it(not the GS threads, but on Gamefaqs in some threads), luckily, I caught myself before it was too late. Can others? Yeah, i think they can. We need to end this before it becomes even more out of control.

Now that I got that off my chest, now is time for a video. This is a song that's on Rock Band as DLC. It's Buddy Holly by Weezer(for those GH fans, Weezer made My Name is Jonas). The video uses the set of Happy Days. I don't think most of the younger generation will really know of that TV series, but the older generation will. For those of you that don't know much about it, that's where the Fonz and the "Ayyyy" came from.

What Weezer did was spliced themselves into an episode of it with them playing their song. It's a good song and a funny video. Here it is.

Weezer- Buddy Holly

Now I have a question for you guys.

If you had to eliminate(and I mean like Assassin's Creed eliminate) a band, who would it be?

For me, Jonas Brothers. they get on my last nerve.

I Drink Your Milkshake!!

Could anyone see Sephiroth saying that to Cloud? It would look like this

*After Sephy disappears in Advent Children*

Seph: Cloud. I drink your milkshake

Cloud: WTF?!

That would be funny to see

Anyways, I'm really sick and have to miss 2 days of school. I got strep throat. The good thing is I went to the doctor right when I got it, so it didn't turn into an infection.

In other news EA wants to buy Take-Two. I think that EA wants to become the only game publisher in the West. I wonder if SE is doing that in Japan. Imagine, SE and EA, the only 3rd party publishers in the world.I wouldn't mind SE, but EA I'm not so sure of.

Here's a continuation of the games that I got

Chrono Cross


I haven't started it yet, but I will after I finish a game after FFIX. It does look good for a game on the PSX(seriously, it could be an early game on the PS2)

Valkryie Profile


I haven't even touched this game yet, but it looks promising. I couldn't find the remake anywhere, so I choose to get this version.

Vagrant Story


The game looks very interesting. Even though it's a separate title, I hear that it takes place in Ivalice, during FFT.....

Suikoden 2


The game's name caught my eye. I hope it's good.

And for the final game that I got. Well, it is a Final Fantasy game, but I'll show you a vid of it.


It was hard to get, but I got it!:)

As for the final thing in my top 5 gaming annoyances? That will be in the next blog or the blog whenever I feel better.

It's a Gaming Paloza!!

So much good news since the last blog.

First, I got a few new games, which I think a few people will be shocked for me to find(it was hard finding them too!).

They are:

Fire Emblem: The Sword of Seals(Fūin no Tsurugi)


Does the main character look familar?


Yeah, it's Roy!:) If you have finished Fire Emblem(It's called that in the US, it's FE: Blazing Swords in Japan), then you would know


That his father is Eliwood, who makes an appearance in the beginning of this game


But wait, that's not all!

The next game is:

Final Fantasy IX


Yeah, I got this one at a good price. I had to search though:)

I started it, and it's pretty good. I'm at Linbalm(however it's spelled), and I like the theme the game has compared to the others that are on the PSX.

But wait! There's more!

The next game is:



I haven't started it, but I will sooner or later. I liked the Xenosaga series and I hear that this was better than all 3 installments, so I think I will like it:)

The next game is....

Star Ocean: Second Story


I didn't like this game's sequel, but I hear that this was a great game, even by those who hated Star Ocean 3, so i will give it a chance.

Could there be more? You bet! But I'm going to reveal the rest in the next blog!:P

In other news, Gametrailers has released a new episode for the Bonus Round. It's about the quality of the gaming industry, and these guys don't hold any punches. I strongly recommend you check it out.

Now for something I was thinking up of while I was at school.

Fantasy Rock Band!!

Here's how it works: you have your choice of any rock band over the ages, and you pick and choose which ones you would put together in a band. You have the choice to have a rhythm guitarist or not. Mine would be:

Vocals: David Michael Draiman (Disturbed)

Guitar(Lead):Eric Johnson or Randy Rhoads(Black Sabbath) (Most likely Randy, he's the bending master)

Guitar(Rhythm): Sam Totman(Dragonforce), Slash(Velvet Revolver), or Dave Mustaine(Metallica)(It's a tossup)

Bass: Tetsu(L'Arc~en~Ciel) or Steve Harris(Iron Maiden)

Drums: Fabrizio Moretti(The Strokes) or Hiroshi Iwasaki(FLOW)

Keyboard: Nobuo Uematsu(He needs no entrance:P)

Now for the Top Gaming Annoyances

2. Horrible Endings

We've all went through this. You are at the end of the game, about to land the final blow onto the boss. After you see the battle end, you see the ending, which leaves you like this: :o or like :| The ending was terrible. No, you understood what it meant, but it still was a bad ending. I spent $___________ for that!! Give me a good ending! I know one example of this: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords(KOTOR 1's ending was great. Just saying). The ending is........ 5 seconds long! Seriously, I timed it! the dark side ending was just as short. We gamers spend good money on your games, so don't cheap us out of an ending. We deserve a good ending that's at least 2 minutes! Even though you might be running late on the deadline to release the game, you owe us a good ending.

Now for the song. The song this time is an old one, but a good one. It's DLC for GH3.

Dream On

The Irony

As we all know, today is Valentine's day, the day where you give your love ones a gift(mostly roses or chocolates). The irony is that it was a bad day for me today.

First, I messed up my Biology project, which took awhile to do. No one I talked to understood how to do it, and when I asked the teacher, he wasn't much help either:? I then nearly forgot to do another part in it, so I had to really rush to do it during my 2 c. lasses before it. I narrowly completed it, but I then found out that I messed up something on the other part of the project!:? I just decided that after this test we will have next week, if I do good on it, I'll stay in the honors c. lass, but if I don't, I'm transferring out. Heck, I might do it Monday.

The good thing is that my school has tomorrow off:D Staff development day:D

I read the Lost Odyssey review yesterday. The bad things were mostly technical issues. I can understand that, but now I heard that the online gaming news sites got one like a demo(not exactly, but this is just a simplified version of what it is), so the loading times might not be that bad. Another one was because of the gameplay. What part of JRPG does Kevin not understand? You don't play a JRPG for gameplay, but for the story. Did he expect you to use your GH3 guitar controller in battles?:P I mean, that's what he's implying in the review. Sakaguchi's an old school JRPG designer, which is what I base my gaming concepts on(they are modern concepts, but I use the old JRPGs as a reference).

I wonder, if FFXIII uses(they're not though, but this is a what if) an old-school turn-based system like they use to, if Kevin would give them a 7.5? Ha! I highly doubt it, he would give it a 9.

A good thing is that I gave out some info to Full Sail Institute(they are like DiGi Pen, a gaming college) a few days ago, and they sent me a college pack, containing things that are in the college. Kinda like a brochure. I think I'm going to get one form DiGi Pen too.

The top gaming annoyances will continue next week, but I will leave you with a great video.

This is a video that I didn't find, but my friend Shewolf found to show me some songs I might like and use as a basis for my guitar playing. Thanks for the vid Shewolf!:D

Land of Confusion

This is by the band Disturbed. The original is by Genesis, whichthe singer was Phil Collins. Personally, I like Disturbed's version better, but that's me.

Tell me what you think of the vid:)

War of the Lions has ended

I have finally finished Final Fantasy Tactics: the War of the Lions. I don't want to give a lot away, but wow!

***SPOILERS****- Don't look if you don't want to know

So many people die at the end. I mean wow! Most were executed because they knew too much.

***End SPOILERS***

I have to say that the game had a great storyline and character development too.

Anyways, we got our course selection sheets, which is where we choose our c. lasses for next year. I chose the usual, English 3(regular, I don't want to take honors this year), Chemistry, US History, Algebra 2. I also finished choosing my electives too, which will be Computer Science, Japanese(Wooo!), and Health(PE will replace it in the second semester). We have two weeks to finish it, but I'm done with it already:D I just hope I get those courses.

I meant to post my Top 10 songs, and I will, but without the long explanations:P So here they are.

1. Alumina- Nightmare

2. Through the Fires and Flames- Dragonforce

3. Reptilia- The Strokes

4. Cliffs of Dover-Eric Johnson

5. The Skies Above- Black Mages

6. Heaven's Drive- L'Arc~en~Ciel

7. God Knows- Hirano Aya

8. Colors of the Heart- UVERworld

9. Slither- Velvet Revolver

10. Drink it Down- L'Arc~en~Ciel

And now for my most annoying things in the gaming industry:)

3. Oversea Devs non-release of games

And nearly every developer is guilty of this. Every gamer should know this feeling(especially those gamers in Europe), if you don't I'll explain. Imagine the game you really want and wait for it for months. You pre-order it, follow every update on it, and nearly know the information for it by heart. You then read the latest update that your game is not coming to your region. Your first emotion is anger, then loss of respect of the publisher&developer of the game. I know this feeling, a few of my friends know this feeling; heck, nearly every gamer knows this feeling. With me, it was Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+. I said this one since this game actually had a chance of being released outside of Japan. SE even said that they would possibly released it in the US and Europe, but noooo, they teased us of screens from it, but released it in Japan only.

They aren't the only ones at fault, red Octane and Harmonix are responsible too. they didn't release GH 1 or 2 to Japan when they were released(this is before the separation). When they separated, Harmonix didn't release Rock Band to Japan, and same for Red Octane(they didn't release Gh3 over there). i think devs should make an attempted effort to release all games to all regions, and if they can, at the same time. Some developers have started to make that effort(SE, Ubisoft I think, EA maybe) in this generation of consoles, so that's a start. Now more need to jump on the boat.

The video for this week is from one of my favorite guitarists. Their song is on my list of favorite songs also. The person actually pushed me to buy a guitar too.

Here's the video


Death by Pie

In FFT news, Cloud Strife is a new member of my FFT party members:) He wasn't that hard to get, but was the most boring one to get since you have to walk very far to get him. The thing is, he starts at level 1 too:? He's not really that much worth recruiting IMO. I think Balthier is the best optional character to recruit, with Beowulf second.

I can now play 5/8 of the Budokai 3 opening song!:D I still go over the rest I know just for memorization.

I finally got the characters down for Reaper(my game idea), and I have started the story portion of the game. I have it all planned out too.

Now for my #4 most Gaming annoyance.

4. RPG vs Shooter

One thing that really gets me is how a shooter fan will insult an RPG(and vice-versa), but won't say a good reason to back it up. Take Mass Effect for example, the shooter fans say it sucks, because the gameplay is too easy. Dude, it's an RPG, the gameplay isn't going to be as good as COD4 or even Halo 3, so if you bought the game expecting a good shooter, you were sadly mistaken. Bioshock can be another example. The RPG fans(some, not all), count this as a shooter, because of the gameplay, which to some, overtakes the story in time,while the shooter fans count it as an RPG, because of how the story is compared to most hooters on the market.

I know it's not one of my strong ones, but the rest will be good.

The reason this blog is titled Death by Pie is because of this music video I saw on youtube, which is pretty good, but hilarious at the same time.

The City is at War

The singer is kinda creepy IMO:P

Life Update(Finally!)

I finally made another update. Now to answer the question plaguing everyone that saw my Best Games of 07.

"Why don't you put The Orange Box in the 360?"

I seriously considered this game and a few others like GH(guitar hero) and RB(rock band), but the reason is that they are multiplatform. I was about to put The Orange Box in for the 360, but I remembered my rule for make the activity: Multiplatfrom games are banned from it. If I put The Orange Box for the 360, I would have to put it in for the PS3, which having it for one system would not be fair. This is why Assassin's Creed wasn't in there either.

In other news, I am in the second semester now, and a few of my courses changed.

Instead of study hall, I now have Intro to business

and instead of Business Law, I now have Driver's Ed(Woohoo!!). Both of those courses are one semester, which is why they ended. We haven't started a lot of work yet, but we will. My Intro to business teacher said that we won't have homework, ever! My favorite course now;)

Now for my Top 5 annoyances in the Gaming Industry(it was suppose to be 10, but I made it shorter).

5. Graphic Obsessions

I know the defense for this one- "We should have good graphics,since we are paying $60 for a next-gen game." I understand what they are saying, but deciding not to buy a game because of how it looks is plain rediculous. I'e talked to people who won't play a game like FF6 because it doesn't look good. THE GAME HAS BEEN OUT FOR MORE THAN 10 YEARS! Do you expect a game that was released more than a decade ago to look like a game on the PS3? Even Final Fantasy 7, which had great graphics for its time doesn't look good now. If you don't like the type of the game, I can see why one would avoid a game, but only because of the graphics is just pointless in my opinion.

There are 4 more left. After that, I will post my story(Greek Mythology story).

Final Countdown

Here are the final 2 awards for The Best Games of 07!

Best 360 Game

Mass Effect

Halo 3


Forza Motorsport 2

Ace Combat 6

Winner: Mass Effect


I know what people are going to say- "Halo should of won! You don't know about games! You're a casual gamer, lol rofl copter!" (I got that last part from Naruto abridged series), but I think that Halo 3 didn't deliver as much as people thought. Mass Effect is a great RPG with a great cast of characters. The premise is a little cliche for the Sci-Fi setting, but where it really shines is in the dialogue. Bioware said that there is over 1600 hours of dialogue in the game,and that wasn't an exaggeration. You will be in conversations 95% of the time.

The cast is amazing, and will make you start a conversation with them just to find out their backstory. I constantly talked to Ashley,to find out about her background. The gameplay isn't "OMG, this is revolutionary!" It has been done before by many FPS games before it. Think of the gameplay from GRAW, but add biotics(represents futuistic magic in the game) and remove worrying about how many rounds you have in your weapon, and you have Mass Effect's gameplay. While fine for RPG fans, FPS/TPS fans won't like it by how simple it is. Other than that, the game is amazing. Any RPG fan with a 360 should get this game.

Now for the PS3.

Best PS3 Game of 07

Heavenly Sword

Drake's Uncharted

Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Eye of Judgement


The winner is: Final Fantasy XIII!


I wish:P

The real winner is

Rachet and Clank: Tools of Destruction


It was a tie between this and Heavenly Sword, but this won because you get your money's worth with this one compared to Heavenly Sword. While both good, this is really fun to play and lasts longer than Heavenly Sword. The game's weapons have a lot of originality(No game I can think of has a bomb that makes people dance),while the other is just a copy of another big franchize(GOW). One thing that some of the developers need to take note from this game is the use of the sixaxis *cough*Factor5*cough*. The setting is light-hearted, but the story isn't even close to prancing ponies, Disney Channel happy. No, this game's story gets a little more serious later on, but at first,it will have a KH seriousness level. I think if you are going to be a PS3 owner,buy this game first. You will not regret it.

That was the Best Games of 2007. Tell me your opinions on them.

In my next blog, I'm going to have the Top 10 Gaming Annoyances.