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IpodHero176 Blog

Really Sick:(

The best villians, and my impression on Phantom Hourglass is postponed, because I got an ear infection:( which makes me feel dizzy and nauseated when I get up to walk(it's getting better, but I still feel dizzy).

I have so many medicines to take:(

All I can say about PH now is, it's really good and fun:)

Sorry about missing all of you guy's blogs:( Really sorry about that.

Life update

Hi guys! How are you guys doing?:) Tomorrow, I'm going to get Phantom Hourglass for the DS:D


It's gotten a lot of good reviews, so I'm going to check it out. I haven't gotten any new Ds games for awhile, so I'm going to start getting games for it, starting with PH:)

I almost forgot about Gamestop:P It's going ok, I don't think I will get the job though. I've been calling them everyday(except today), and they said that they finished going over applications, and they will start hiring next week. I hope they chose me:) if they don't, I'll try a Footlocker or Toys R Us. My friend goes to the same Gamestop I do, and he says that gamestop(ours anyways) only hires non-gamers because they will sell you anything, no matter how the quality is. For their sakes, I hope that's a lie because that's just cheap to the real gamers like us. I wouldn't put it past them though:(

Oh well, life goes on. If they don't hire me, then that's their loss. I get good grades, am a great gamer, and one day, they will sell MY games:P

Speaking of games, here's the concept of a game I'm thinking of called Reaper(not the true title so far, but a working title).

Weiss, a 16 year old boy, born with a gift of seeing spirits and interacting with them. On his 17th birthday, he gains mysterious supernatural powers. He finds out that he has aquired the powers of a Spirit Collector,or how we call it, a Grim Reaper.

I'm still working on a few things still, but it's coming out pretty good. The game is similar to Bleach(like the spirit collectors are like Soul Reapers), but a lot of things are different from it. Also, there is only one Grim Reaper, but in the game, you find out why everyone calls them Grim Reapers, and why people imagine them as skeletons in hoods(which is a real funny reason btw).

In the next blog, I'll talk about(IMO ) The 10 Best Game Villains of all time.

Life and Blue Dragon

How are you guys doing? I'm doing fine:) Nothing much has happened with me.

Moving on, I'm working on a Xenosaga Episode 3 review. After that review, I might do a Ep 2 review.

Here's my Blue dragon review. I hope you guys recommended it:)

Blue Dragon

I might have the Xenosaga 3 review up in a few weeks, but I don't have an exact date.

To leave you guys with another good thing(other than my cool review;) ), I'll show you a trailer of FF4 DS:)


The Final Countdown

Here it is! The final 3 battles!:D Let's start this!

3. Kaim vs enemies(Lost Odyssey)


I have to say that this fight was really good. Kaim kicks a lot of butt. I really like that part when he stabs the guy and dodge the next other guy's slash, which hits the guy Kaim stabs. I also like how Kaim jumps and takes down all those soldiers in a row.I thought that was funny, since they should of spreaded out:lol: The only thing I have against the fight is that it starts out confusing, since you don't know which side is which.

2. Sephiroth vs Genesis vs Angeal(CC)


Genesis FTW!

This was really good, and was coreographed well. I was really into this fight, because I wanted to see which is stronger, Genesis or Sephiroth. Angeal seemed like an add-on, but I didn't mind. Also, how many times can they remake One Winged Angel? This has to be the 4th remake. The only thing I have against it was that Sephiroth is a talkative villan, who won't shutup:roll:

To Seph: You know that fans like the silent villan, especially fangirls. What I'm trying to say is SHUTUP FOR ONCE! :lol:

Now for our #1!

1. Raiden vs Vamp(MGS4)


This was a great fight. The moves they do are amazing. I thought Raiden was a whimp, but he's alright now. I have nothing against it either.

NOTE: To see the MGS4 fight of them, just skip to 3:40 in the time of the video.

Those are the top 3:) I said they would be new series, but here is why they weren't.

1. The first MGS video wasn't originally on my list, but when I saw it, I had to add it. Same with the Crisis Core vid.

What do you guys think of the top 3?

My next blog will talk about my new review of Blue Dragon:D

Top 15 best battles cont.

I have finished the Blue Dragon review, and it will be posted in a few days. I'm currently working on reviewing Overlord, and after, I will start with the Xenosaga series.

Here's what you've been waiting for! The 15 best battles. Here's 6, 5, and 4.

6. KOS-MOS vs Voyager


This is an ignored fight in the Xenosaga series, but it doesn't mean it's bad. The beginning was funny, because you see Shion trying to take on a Testament by herself:lol: which resulted in her defeat. When KOS-MOS came however, the playing field got a little even. One thing I don't like is the shield Voyager has. It takes away from the battle. Protecting shields should be banned from battles to an extent. Having a shield on throughout the whole battle is cheap.

5. Zack vs enemies(CC)



Not a real big fight, but more of an overkill, which is interesting because the enemies all have guns. Either they are too slow in shooting a gun, or Zack really owns(I'm thinking it's the first one). What I don't like is how Zack is defying gravity most of the time, even though it's FF7, where gravity doesn't exist:lol:

4. Terra, Ven, and Aqua vs Old Man(KH2: FM+) Tie


A great fight. It is very mysterious, because you don't know who they are(when the vid first came out), where they came from, and why they are fighting. I like the combo Aqua did with Ven, and using all those keyblades with telekinesis(old man). Terra fights good, while Ven fights like Sora. Aqua is more of a magic user, so she doesn't physically fight. The only thing I have against it is to extend the fight and show what happened after Old Man showed the KH symbol in the air.

4. Midna vs Ganon(TP) Tie


Didn't expect a tie, eh? Well, when I found this fight, I had to add it. Not really because of the action, but because what it symbolized at the end of the fight. It symbolizes that not all the time good wins, and that Ganon is really strong. I don't really have anything against this, but it is at this number because of the lack of action scenes.

The last set is very close:D I know that KHs and Xenosaga are reused a lot(Butters:P ), but there aren't anymore of them in the list. Also, the top 3, I recommend watching at least once, trust me on this.

What do you guys think?

Not taking sides, but

I found these two videos from Youtube, and they are really funny. I would advise watching both songs to see that I am not on either side.

The first one is called How to kill your Brand by Doc Adams. It's about, of course, the PS3, and how they are killing the PS brand. It is very funny and creative. Even though you might be a fan of the PS3, have an open mind and listen to it.

Also guess where the beat of the song came from:D


Now for all you 360 fans laughing, you might change your attitude on this next video;)

The 360 song

Guess where the beat of this song is from too;)

What do you guys think of the songs?:D

The 15 fights will be back next blog.

Update and top 15 cont.

I turned in my application to Gamestop:D The guy that gave it to me was there and reminded another employee of me. He said to send an application to other Gamestops around, just to cover your bases. He said the manager reads the applications and chooses the best people for the job, and the process will take at least 2-3 days up to 2 weeks. I hope he chooses mine:)

I started the Blue Dragon review. I finished the story part and I'm working on the graphics segment. I've been having more game ideas too. I've thought of one that is about one of the greatest(and youngest) generals of all time. Another is similar to Bleach, in terms of the broad concept, but it's becoming its own game. There's one I've been putting off(the working title is Zen Crisis, but that would probably change), and I need to get back to working on it. There's also a Smallville game I'm thinking about too. It's pretty difficult(mainly the bosses and how it would work), and the leveling of Clark's powers. I'll fix it though:)

Here are 9, 8, and 7

9. Showdown of Fate 2/Cloud vs Sephiroth(KH2)


We all saw this one, unlike the last one. The good thing they realized was that they extended the fight from 1 minute to 3. Tifa fighting Sephiroth looked funny, since we know he could own her in a heartbeat:lol: Unfortunately, they leave the same way as the last fight:( Also, what was Sora, Donald, and Goofy doing while all of this was happening, eating popcorn on a sofa?! Lazy, good-for-nothings:P

8. KOS-MOS vs T-ELOS round 2



A pretty good fight. A mix between martial arts and hi-tech weapons make the best combo:) I like Jr(favorite character), but why do you think that two old-fasion guns will help beat T-ELOS? Not good thinking on his part:P Unfortunately, this kinda suffers from the same as the Jin vs Margulis, but less dialogue than them. There are more fight scenes than the Jin fight, but the dialogue thing is still not ok. Also, KOS-MOS keeps telling Shion to leave, but Shion keeps staying there, watching the fight, making herself a nuisance. I do agree for staying, it's a good fight, but she should leave, she's only making it worse for KOS-MOS.

7. Dante vs Virgil(round 1)



This fight is good. Just good. Not a lot of dialogue, good sword fight, and straight to the point. Dante gets owned though, but it was pretty good(Virgil is my favorite character anyways from DMC). One thing is that after Virgil stabs him, there's a big pause of Dante coming back with new power. Also, when they clash swords, they stay like that for a few seconds too long. Overall, good battle though.

What do you guys think?

Fear and All, in your eyes

Showing you what you want to see:)

That was part of the song Eternity, the boss song from Blue Dragon:) Yes, I finally started it, and I have to say that the game is good:D The story is not as heavy as a FF game, but it is pretty heavy and mature. Maro is annoying(his voice is), but it's 30x better than his Japanese voice(trust me, it's a lot better). I might make a review of it in a few weeks, but I might be busy.

Today I learned how to drive. It wasn't as hard as i thought it would be. I never jerked the car, and I never hit anything:) Narrow turns are my weak point, but I can fix it:D

Anyways, here are the next 3 in the 15 greatest battles:D

12. Jin vs margulis(Xenosaga Ep2)



It's pretty good. i always like a sword battle:D The thing is, it goes a little too slow for a videogame fight, and there is a lot of dialogue.

11. Riku vs Roxas



Surprised eh? Well it is a good fight. It is very acrobatic and interesting for a KH cutscene. They do talk a little more than necessary, and the attacks are spaced out. An alright fight overall.

10. Raiden vs Snake



I just saw this today, and I quickly added it to my list. It is fierce, and i do like the transitions between the slow-mo and the fast pace. I wish it was longer though.

Well what do you guys think about this list?

Didn't expect to see a non-RPG up there, huh Atillite?;)

Top 15 best videogame battles

I'm going to try something new. Here's what I think are the 15 best battles in gaming. Remember, this is what I think. Also, it is fights in cutscenes.

15. Squall vs Seifer


This fight was pretty good, but it was too short. I would put spoiler, but seeing that it's the first cutscene in the game.

14. Dante vs enemies



Just plain hilarious. Dante gets stabbed so many times and he just walks to the jukebox to fight to a good song. I wish it was longer, and it was more balanced(Dante owns too easily).

13. Cloud vs Sephiroth(KH)



No, not a typo. In KH1 after you defeat Sephiroth in the coliseum, you get to see a fight scene between Cloud and Sephiroth. Unfortunately, this was only in the Japanese version(KH: FM). It was a good, quick paced scene, but it suffers from the length and the aura thing is a little cliche. The attacks aren't new, and they space between their attacks.

12,11, and 10 will be in the next blog. What do you guys think?

High School Madness!

No, I'm not talking about my high school:P , but this high school.


I laughed for 2 minutes at that:lol:

I have some exciting and sad news.

Good news first,

My aunt sent me some money($150 to be exact), so I went to Frys and got the CompactFlash card for the MAX media Dock, and a book called Secrets of the Game Business. Here's a pic


Cool isn't it?;) It was $11 too. I also got the last one in the store:D

I then went to Gamestop and got two things. The first thing is

Blue Dragon

I haven't played it yet, because I have so many things to do this week:( Darn you school and your tes-filled building:evil: I will try to play it next week, or whenever I have time, which wouldn't be much, since my honor c.l.a.s.s.e.s are cramming me full of work:cry:

The second thing I got was a job application:D

Yes, I will be 16 in 2 days, so I told the guy that(not the same people from the last blog, better people) and he gave me an application. I shook his hand after thanking him. I'm working at it as I post. I need to go back to get his name though for the referral part of the app.

Now for the bad news.

My comp won't read the MAX media dock when I hooked it up, even with the card in it, so I have to return all of that back(the compact flash too). The instructions weren't even helpful, and some of the instructions were actually wrong(like how to place the flashcard), so I'll exchange it for FFV or Brain Age 2(I've been meaning to get that).

Anyways, even though that stuff happened, I'm still going to be happy and enjoy the countdown to my birthday:) Here's a video for you guys to see. It's a good vid.

Answer by FLOW

2 Days and Counting till my birthday:D