I'm willing to bet that they saved the hardware reveal on purpose for E3. With all the fantastic news and announcements that filled the TWO HOUR presentation last night...they didn't need to show the hardware too. That can now be saved for E3. Very smart on Sony's part. While I'm a huge fan of Sony, I can say with relative ease, that Sony has been making VERY POOR decisions for a many years now. BUT... starting with this presentation last night, and the way they look to be poised to reveal more at E3, and then the console itself before the years end.....I'm really happy with the decisions Sony is making as of late, concerning this new console, the PS4!
Right, consumers won't know about it because they don't have the internet over there in the UK. If the meeting does contain a PS4 announcement, THE WORLD will know about it. Just look how many people in how many countries can't stop talking about it now and for the last month....and it wasn't even announced yet!
It's completely true. When Xbox360 first came out, for a period of 1-3 years, I loved and used it right along side my PS3. But that's when the paradigm shifted. Where Xbox360 started to fall-off with games, and PS3 started to really ramp up. If Xbox720 was able to get back to being game focused first like they once were for a short lived time, I'd be happy to buy one, and play their exclusives right along side my PS4.
@boucho1183 Again I have to call BS. Have you actually played those games? Or just going off the negative reviews? The games are actually quite fun! I've played about 90% of them, and each are at least on par with an 8/10. As far as the likes of GTA or big FPS, I'd advise you to look to your consoles for games like that. I stand by my comment, that as far as the Vita not have games, or quality games, that's completely untrue. If you prefer all your gaming endeavors to be of the FPS on the scale of COD, then I'd suggest an Xbox. But if you're looking for anything but, FPS, and a wide variety of genres at that, I'd HIGHLY recommend the Vita, it's quite awesome!
@hunter8man I have to disagree....The Vita has TONS of games, for only being out for 1 year....Here are a few that are EXCLUSIVE and are pretty damn good: Assassin's Creed III: Liberation, Gravity Rush, Hot Shots Golf World Invitational, LittleBigPlanet Vita, Persona 4 Golden, Super Stardust Delta, Escape Plan, Uncharted Golden Abyss, Silent Hill Book of Memories, DJ Max Technika, Ragnarok Odyssey, Resistance Burning Skies, Sumioni Demon Arts, Zero Escape Virtue's Last Reward. That's not including all the fantastic titles that aren't exclusive, but still available on the Vita.
Then there's the list of KNOWN Vita titles due to come out this year: Soul Sacrifice, Tearaway, Killzone Mercenary, Valhalla Knights 3, Y's Ocean in Celceta, Final Fantasy X HD, Guacamelee, Phantasy Star Online 2, The Legend of Hero's Zero, Warrior's Lair...all exclusive to the VIta as well.
So to say that you don't want a Vita cause it has "barely has any games" is a bad reason. Go with some of the other commentators responses like, the memory cards are expensive, or I don't have $250 bucks to spend. But to say it has no games....tsk tsk tsk.
I thought that was a very real, and candid response. None of us "know the guy" in our or his personal life. So to say you don't like him, or you think he's the greatest, neither are accurate. To so you love or hate his games because of X, Y, or Z, sure. These comments are from him, about him and his time away. Seems like a pretty normal guy if you ask me. Some days are just for kicking back, but not soooo lazy that he never wants to do anything again (even though he never HAS to, after GOW). Other days he misses the "fun" of developing a great game with great people. Love the candor!
@pathosfire My guess is they don't want the game to look like "Old-News" by the time it finally releases for the PS3/360. It would have been reviewed on Wii U (good or bad) and forgotten by the time it's finally released for PS3/360. Then when people go to pick it up for the other platforms people would say "oh, this is that game that came out on the Wii U way back when, it was alright, but ehhhh."
If they wait and release it at the same time, MORE people will buy it on all systems at the same time, and has a better chance to sell MORE. Welcome to the industry. As the dev put it so eloquently.....Sh*tty!
Ya that's not half-bad for the VIta, with only 4mil install base. That means it reach almost a quarter of every Vita owner. AAA console games that have install bases of 70mil aim for at least a million. So to have the Vita with 600K, very encouraging!
Seeing alot of hate in these comments. This game looks very promising, and that's simply from a "looks" standpoint. Let alone all the great things I've heard about classes/professions/crafting/and mixing all that into the gameplay to the players benefit. I personally love the look and feel of this game, can't wait to see the UI, and hear more details about how the gameplay is different from other MMO's (Or just like our favorites, but upgraded )
So if no one else has connected the dots.....I'm willing to be that this will be unveiled at the PS4 conference. Since they are no longer "bound to Microsoft" I bet they announce/unveil it at a Sony event just to show they are no longer Microsoft specific. Now, it will surely still be multiplatform, but I bet the reveal it with Sony and announce a simultaneous release on both platforms.
JJames3dCG's comments