@shingui5 I have to disagree with your comment. Half the joy of being a true gaming enthusiast, is getting that brand new console of choice on the day of it's release! I've done it will PS3, Xbox360, Wii, and the WiiU. Sure some of the launches have left my console needs a little "high and dry" right out of the gate in terms of games. But that's just how the cookie crumbles in this industry. But to say you don't want to own the new PS4 as soon as is humanly possible, or any of the new consoles for that matter, is just a foreign concept to me. I love it!
That price cut isn't even that much, what's that a savings of, 25-35 bucks? A savings is a savings, but come on! If the only thing keeping you from getting a Vita is $30 bucks, you don't really want it in the first place. The price is fair, the games are there, and a sizable price cut isn't in the foreseeable future.
It's no coincidence that after the massive inclusion of DLC and micro transactions, that the game wasn't supported, and the series cancelled. It should be a clear cut example of what gamers DON"T want.
Why the off-TV gamepad only support wasn't there from there start is my question. Of course it's going to be the "most requested" thing.....IT"S WHAT WIIU WAS ADVERTISED TO BE ABLE TO DO!!!! And now, we're supposed to be grateful that Capcom is SOOOOO generous, and listening to it's consumers. No, it should have been there from the start. Better later than never, but don't try and pawn this off like it's some favor your doing us.
Currently the 3DS is sitting around 30million sold worldwide. I believe that the Vita will reach that in 2-3 years as well. Really does depend on the support it starts seeing. I believe with the integration that is planned for PS4 (both what we know, and what we'll learn at E3) the Vita will be a purchase that most all Playstation fans will desire to purchase, and will. Sony has stated that the Vita is on a 10 year life cycle, and regardless of a slow start, it will pick up here very soon, take off, and sell strong continually. I personally believe there is a market of about 120-175million console buyers, and about 50-90 million handheld buyers. Lifetime Vita can easily expect to see 50million over 10 years. Like I say, depending on the heavily planned integration with PS4 and Gaiki streaming all Sony platform titles, it should be able to achieve the 70-80million units sold life time.
And my last name is not Pachter either. : ) I just know my gaming.
Concerning the Vita, those numbers indicate that it's on the rise. With 2% (which is 50 games by the way) having made their last title for the Vita. 4.2% (which is 105 games) are currently working on a Vita title. And finally 5% (which is 125 games) plan to make the next game for release on Vita. That's growth!!! From the 50 past games, to 105 current, to the 125 planned next! The 3DS on the other hand has the exact opposite going on. 2% making games for it now, with only 2.8 planning on making games next for 3DS.
Are you kidding me with this video!! M$ is the king of Exec BS talking-out-of-their-A$$ speak. I just feel dirty that I was duped into clicking on this Sh!t and giving this site hits based off it.
Like I said, most of the games that are classics like that, will more than likely be offered through digital download or streaming. But more importantly if you know yourself to be one of those people that prefer older games to newer one (for whatever the reason may be) than keep your old system. Don't buy the PS4, and keep your PS2 or PS3. It's not that complicated. When a new console comes out, and all the companies money and resources are invested in this console along with the games it turns out for that console that's where they want your gaming focus to be. If you don't like new tech, and new games than don't step into the next-gen. Old school games will never been gone, as long as you keep the old consoles. But as gaming and the industry move forward, so do the games and the experiences they provide. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the occasional romp in old school gaming, but most of that is done on an old system, or on my Vita. Again, that happens so seldomly though. I've got more game than I can play on the PS3, PSV, WiiU, and PC, with more always on the way. I don't want to spend my limited gaming time, playing games that I enjoyed in their entirety 5-25 years ago. The only reason to do that, is to play something that's not offered in this age of gaming, like JRPG's have a solid case for that. Still, those games that I just HAVE to relive, are being offered through PSN and PSVita if I simply must have them.
Why not just keep your PS3 for PS3 games??? OR better yet, play PS4 games. I'm sure many select PS3 titles will be available via streaming/downloading. I know that I personally spend 99.978% of my time on the PS3 with PS3 titles. I expect the PS4 will be the same. Why would I want to spend my time playing an old PS3 game, when I'll have the bounty of PS4 games with all the fancy new tech that comes with them. This has ALWAYS been such a stupid thing notion to me. I remember being pissed hearing about it when PS2 compatibility went away for PS3, but you know....I haven't missed it ever.
Agreed. They seem like the focused on all the little things, that people have been thinking about, or talking about. And instead of just WoWing us with pretty new gameplay (which they did some of too) they focused on giving us what we really want as gamers. More/Better/Now!! In every way possible. What about how cool that feature is, where you can browse the PSN store, click a title play a full feature version of it for free, instantly. Or what about how the said the console will "Get to know us" and have games we like, in our preferred genres, pre-loaded, and ready to go, before we ever decide to hit the buy button. That shit is what I want in MY next-gen console. Very excited to say the least!
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