@carolino Acutally what they said is "Why go first when you can let your competitors go first and not tip your hand." We all assumed that "competitor" referred to Microsoft. IF Feb 20th does turn out to be a PS4 announcement, then they could have been referring to Nintendo as their comp.
@Kravyn81 And you know what the worst part is? These companies actually believe that we as consumers buy this bull that they're selling about "increasingly difficult condition of the world-wide console game market" being the reason why the did poorly. Any gamer with half a brain can see all too clearly that SE has released sub-par games over and over again. That's the reason for their sorry numbers, not the ambiguous statement they made.
@blackace @thebeachguy90 Whilte the 360 may actually have more than just fps on the console, the majority of what's being played, is FPS. Everyone knows this. If you want to play FPS you get an Xbox. If you want to play anything else, you get a PS3 (or soon to be PS4)
I really don't see how this got an 8 instead of, say a 9 or 9.5? The major complaints are formulaic boss battles, a few minor glitches, and the ending is predictable. Most stories told through any medium has the ending being very predictable, but that doesn't take away from the enjoyment or greatness of the story, unless that story was meant to be a twisty one. As for the "few graphical glitches" I can see that keeping it from being a 10, or even from being a 9.5 maybe, but not dropping it to an 8. Same with the Boss battles. I hear them saying you perfect your moves all game long, then use formula and repetition to kill the bosses....but that should be what makes it good not bad. After fighting for HOURS one way (the styles combo kills) who wants to do that AGAIN at the boss, then AGAIN for several more hours through the next stage, then AGAIN at the next boss....see where I'm going with this. I think the boss battles were used as a way to break-up the "Same Things" over and over. Sounds like this game is great, and should have scored better than it did.
@Ultra_Taco It's the most common form of defense.....misdirection. Misdirect peoples attention away from the fact that the person and THE GUN were what killed people. The NRA and all it's members just want to be able to continue toting around their weapons and not have any more hassles with "rules" and "Regulations" for safety. What a bother.
Fact of the matter is that it is the 2nd amendment, but that doesn't mean we can't make some changes. Those "amendments", while mostly good, were written in a different time (day and age) than we live in now. It's time we update the "amendments" to reflect the times we live in, WITHOUT alienating the rights that people bled and died for to have. A change IS in order!
I really would encourage all the xbox fans to make the change and give Sony a shot. They have been the undisputed champion of gaming for the last two generations. Now we find out that aside from all the muddied water that is the media, about console wars and who sold more, that Sony and M$ are actually tied in sales, despite the year long head start M$ had. And like "BryanParksSuper" said, most of that 70 million count that M$ is touting, is from bricked RROD machines. So it should be very clear now, that Sony is in the lead as far as M$ and Sony consoles are concerned.
Take this as your indication that the machine (PS3) is superb. The games on the machine, are widely diverse, and superb as well. If you're a real gamer, do yourself a favor and go pick up a PS3 (PS4 when released), you won't be disappointed.
@DemannameD I thought I was the only one that saw that movie!! That movie is what has made me what VR since I was a kid. This really looks similar to what the Lawnmower Man was shooting for. I too thought we'd be there by now. I think it's just too expensive to invest any real world applications in. I believe that if the really did go after making it a reality (no pun intended ) then we'd see the advancements needed to really make it an enjoyable experience. Much the same way that console gaming is now leaps and bounds away from what it was in the Atari or even NES days. If they'd have put that much time and effort into VR over the last 20 years, we would have it. But great call with the movie ref.
Really sad there are so many haters. It's pretty clear that if this is real, and has had hard work put into it, that it's something us gamers are going to enjoy. VR has ALWAYS been the dream for ALL gamers since the beginning. That's what we all wish and wait for. If this is it, and you're saying you're not only not excited, but that you don't want it, YOU"RE LYING!
So glad you made the purchase, you won't be disappointed. Your's and your pawns health will stay lower after taking damage unless you heal yourself or themselves. It's a different system, that takes getting used to. The mage healing you wont be able to heal you full, it's like what damage you sustained in battle, if that is healed immediately it will heal to a point. The rest of healing is expected to be done through the herbs and items you gather along the way (Which there are plenty). And if you give those curatives to your pawns, they will use them rather intuitively. Healing almost 75% of the way, but saving the curatives for later when more necessary. It's tough to explain the part about not being able to heal full from the healing spell, but as you play more you will see what I'm trying to explain so poorly :)
But ya, gather items along the way and you can hit select to open the items menu, and use them to recover your and your pawns health and stamina, and other effects, check their descriptions.
JJames3dCG's comments