I hate to say it, but that actually looks like fun. Looks like what I wanted the remakes of TMNT games to play like. Although Activision has a history have taking licensed games and making them crap, so we'll see.
I love my AAA games as much as the next guy. But there needs to be a place in this industry for the B and C rated games. Those games are chalked full of innovations, inspiration, and sometimes, some amazing experiences that AAA games don't offer. I for one will be truly saddened if this article comes to fruition.
The gaming industry is easily over 100 million, maybe even 200 million. That's JUST console and PC alone (not including the mobile or casual) That's pretty mass market. So for EA to come out and say something like this, is clear bull. Especially as they try to appeal to the largest common denominator with their games. Such a transparent statement by EA.
@Conan1985 I can, that's basically what the Xbox360 was. A FPS hub! Sure there were other games on it, but the overwhelming majority of what people played on Xbox360, FPS.
@JBStone1981 @ernelson1976 Agreed. Didn't you read the article a t all ernelson1976? It went over thees very issues. One of the most relevant to your comment being, the fact that with Always-On, EVERY user would be logged in all the time, causing server issues, which the current xbox has seen nothing of on a day to day basis.
@vadagar1 @bizzySGS Ya I have to say that PS4 is the console I will be purchasing, and it doesn't MAKE me doing anything. Buying a "game" console from MS is clearly a mistake, but don't lump all consoles in with MS's crap. There have been plenty of great consoles, and will be plenty more.....just M$ has never been apart of that category.
Sounds like a Kinect game.....guess their always-on console will focus on Kinect. Hope they have something really sweet as an ace up their sleeve, cause right now, they are focusing on all the things that blew it for them and others this current gen.
@sjenke I think they are. They are fully committed to making this work, and they are seeing the backlash HARD, before even announcing it!! That's hard to deal with. So they are upset and lashing out. It caused bad PR, but they did it cause they need to try to start damage control. IT's just funny cause they haven't even officially announced it and they're already in damage control mode!
@Judah70 The big deal is that not everyone has an internet connection. And many people have unstable/unreliable internet connections, that intermittently drop out. IF this happens, it will most assuredly affect sales. Not to mention the outcry of foolish consumers who buy the product without realizing this, and having problems with it. No good can come of this. It's too soon by about 5 years.
JJames3dCG's comments