@jareed @JLCrogue Off topic? Maybe a little, if at all. Retarded? No, retarded would be saying that the Wii U is the greatest console of all time and even beats PC.
I can already play all these games on my PC and phone for free. Plus I got games like Far Cry 3, Bioshock Infinite, Starcraft II and Civilization V on my PC. Can the Wii U play those games? Didn't think so.
Fucking nanny state telling people what they can and can't do! Violent video games are one of the few things that keep me from actually being violent. It's the assholes at work that make me want to kill them and government pigs that make me want to see them get assassinated or overthrown.
I'm definitely not getting a subsidized console, because in the long run it will cost me more and I would get locked into a contract to keep paying for a service that I may not want in the future. That $99 for an Xbox 360 if you pay them $15 per month for 2 years of Xbox Live is a fucking rip-off, because you're paying $240 more for Xbox Live than you normally would. Plus, you're only getting the 4 GB version, which simply isn't enough.
What possible benefits are there to always online?! There's absolutely nothing useful to us that they can offer us that requires a constant connection to the internet. Having it always online only gives Microsoft a few minor benefits and will most likely reduce the number of potential sales.
JLCrogue's comments