I bet none of these mass murderers had any girlfriends or ever got laid. Two things that keep me from mass murdering people are my girlfriend and the fact that I can still play gloriously violent video games. Take one of those away and I don't know what I'd do...
@Deadly_Nemesis @Fryboy101 We can only hope. It seems like Gearbox does well on it's own franchises, but when it buys a license from someone else it fucks up the game. Brothers in Arms and Borderlands were great, Duke Nukem Forever and Aliens Colonial Marines sucked.
@Total_mischief @dkdk999 (in Southern accent) "We don't take kindly to those Japanese games with their ching chong chang and their kung fu. We can't understand you, go back to your country, white power!"
Sounds like Sony, unlike M$, is actually listening to gamers, instead of telling gamers what they should like and shoving "always online" down their throats. Personally, I still prefer playing FPS games, like Killzone, over games like Knack. To each their own though.
@Strongbow88 Yeah, and come out with the game of the year edition and set it at a good price or let Steam put it on sale for really low, so I can finally play the game on my PC in all its full glory.
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