@GOGOHeadray @HydePark1980 @JLCrogue That's exactly what I've been trying to say! As much as I love Nintendo games, I actually hope that Nintendo goes the way of Sega. It would mean that we would have one less console to buy each generation, saving us all money. We'll all still be able to play Nintendo games, but they would just be on another platform(s).
@Chico86_basic There are many other multiplatform games available for Nintendo, but they always sell the least on the Nintendo consoles, especially now that they're behind on graphics quality and online service.
@HydePark1980 For the most part 3rd party developers do support Nintendo with their games. Call of Duty games have been released on Nintendo platforms, just like the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, but even a big franchise, like Call of Duty, sales very little on Nintendo consoles. This isn't an excuse, it's an actual reason.
@HydePark1980 @JLCrogue They kept selling fast, especially the Xbox 360 when it had a head start. The original Wii had a lot of sales for it's console, but it was hard for 3rd party developers to get sales on that console. This has been true for almost every Nintendo console, people buy Nintendo consoles to play Nintendo games on them, like Mario or Zelda, not to play Call of Duty or Batman or whatever. It's up to Nintendo to release high quality first party games on their consoles. If I ever buy a Wii-U it's going to be so that I can play that new, innovative Zelda, Mario, Metroid or Super Smash Bros game. They haven't released one yet, so I have no reason to buy one yet.
@HydePark1980 @JLCrogue Most developers aren't willing to make such a huge risk, especially when it costs millions of dollars to make a high end game. Why would anyone develop a game for a console that only has a user base of 3 million, but they would have to sale 5 million to make a profit?
Nintendo isn't going to sell a lot of Wii U's until more great games are released on it, but developers aren't going to release those games until Wii U gets plenty of sales. It's a no win situation, so I wouldn't be surprised to see the Wii U go the way of the Dreamcast. The 3DS is doing much better than the Vita, so Nintendo will probably stay in the handheld business for a while... but only time will tell.
Gamespot is 3 days late on this news, but nevertheless I'm still excited and can't wait to play the beta. The only problem is that the first beta events will take place on weekends and I work on weekends.
@bledsoe45sbc @frozenux @aloufika Half Life 3, Portal 3, Team Fortress 3, Left 4 Dead 3, the next Counter Strike and pretty much any other Valve game could be future exclusives. As for features, I read about an interview with Gabe Newell and he said we'll definitely be able to watch Netflix, browse the web and do anything else on the Steam box as we can on any PC. Not only that, but if you already have a high end gaming PC you can buy the cheapest Steam Box for about $99 and stream all of the high end games onto your TV from your computer.
I'll give it a try since it's free to play and I like Counter Strike, but the graphics look pretty crappy and it seems like the only additions to this are vehicles and being able to use hostages as shields, which both have been done before.
JLCrogue's comments