@polishfish I think they'll most likely bring this game out on PC at a later date, just like GTA IV. There aren't any official plans for GTA V to come out on PC too, but it will also most likely come out on PC later.
@Vodoo I do like the idea and the service of Netflix, but if your internet is slow or you're sharing a connection with someone else Netflix will sit and buffer or the picture quality will significantly drop. Games take a lot more data than movies, so this problem would be even worse, especially for high end PS3 games. I'd rather just download the games on my hard drive, so I don't have to worry about this.
"Think of Xbox as the service, and we just happen to also make a console."
You're Xbox service wouldn't exist if it weren't for the console! Stop downplaying games and shoving all that other multimedia crap down our throats! No one buys a game console just to watch movies or listen to music, there are much more cost effective devices you can buy for that. I've got no problem adding more functionality to the consoles, but don't you dare sacrifice game quality! We buy game consoles to play games on them!
@tgwolf Actually, the original 10 inch Wikipad was going to sell for $500. You must be getting the price mixed up with Razer's Edge tablet, which is much more powerful. Also, the flaw they are talking about was with the controller and it's responsiveness. I'm glad they decided to address any flaws that they had before releasing it. It shows how dedicated they are to providing us with a quality product.
Not a bad price for a new console. I just hope the graphics are significantly improved enough to justify buying a new console at all. It will also have to have some really good exclusives for me to even consider it, since I already have a really good gaming PC.
Wow! If I was filthy stinking rich I might just buy that..
But what confuses me is that it says he's got 330 consoles, but only 220 controllers for them. He's missing a lot of controllers, unless those 330 consoles includes handhelds.
Awesome! I was thinking of getting a Google Nexus 7 for the same price, but I'm going to wait until this comes out since it comes with the controller and has support for more games. Wikipad you have another customer!
Good article, but politicians aren't trying to ban guns and/or video games to protect people. They're just taking advantage of recent events to gain more power. Once they take our guns away they'll be able to violate all of our other rights, because we won't be able to defend ourselves. The founders knew that in order for liberty to prosper the people need to be well armed. Having a well armed population prevents tyranny and even if they brought tyranny we could always use our guns to overthrow the government. That's the reason we have a 2nd Amendment. The mainstream media likes to play the blame game and scare people because it supposedly gains them more viewers (and money as a result) and the government approves of the propaganda they constantly shove down our throats.
JLCrogue's comments