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Blu-ray collecting and the BCS

Well it's been awhile. I've been so busy between work and home (and ok yes games:P Fallout 3 in particular ) the last few months I've only been on a few times here and there to check news, updates and others' blogs. But I thought I'd drop in for a quick blog to wish everyone a merry Christmas and talk about a couple of things near and dear to me at the moment: Blu-ray and NCAA Football.
I got a couple of sweet deals on some Blu-rays. First and foremost I finally got Iron Man just before Thanksgiving for $19 (I know it was seen for $15 on Black Friday but it was worth $4 not to deal with the crowds :) . I also snagged a 6 for $65.00 deal off Amazon and picked up five James Bond flicks and the best I could do for the 6th was Daredevil Director's Cut (I know I know but I liked Colin Farell's Bullseye even though I don't like Ben Affleck much and it was essentially $11). I got Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl off eBay (just 2 more to go). I also picked up a couple my son wanted for his b-day and Christmas (yep he's a Christmas baby, his 13th is the 22nd): I Am Legend and Transformers (ofcourse I loved those too but they would've waited if he hadn't wanted 'em). I bought my wife the Ten Commandments mini-series on Blu-ray too. So my Blu-ray collection is finally growing, not probably movies at the top of everyone's lists but I like 'em and I got great deals on most of them ($19 is the most I've had to pay and the average is probably around $13-14). Anyway our collection is below (oh and I tried to get these laid out side by side but it did them all vertically for some reason so there's alot of scrolling :x ) and also my rant on the BCS is at the bottom:

Now for my take on the BCS, drumroll please.....it sucks, as in sucks the life and meaning out of championships. I have no vested interest in the top 5 teams (my son is a Gators fan but I can't stand Florida). Basically the Big 12's decision to use BCS ranking to break ties to place teams in the conference championship game is one of the all-time biggest farces in the history of sports. Two teams played head to head and the team that won that match-up is left out in the cold while the team they beat plays for the conference championship and ultimately the National Championship. This has nothing to do with whether it's Oklahoma or Texas I could care less about either but call me old school, it should ALWAYS be settled on the field. Also as for all the talk about Florida going over USC, I hate to say it but they got that one right IMO. How many top 5 teams did USC beat? Yep, exactly (not their fault, the Pac 10 sucks, but they didn't play nearly as difficult a schedule as Florida did). But in the end if we had an eight team playoff (16 will NOT work at this level and has no chance of ever happening) all of this would be moot and it would be decided on the field the way it should be. Also as long as we have the BCS (or for that matter if we had a playoff system) for cryin' out loud quit giving conferences automatic births. I mean seriously how on earth does the winner of the Big East merit a BCS birth?

Well Merry Christmas to everyone and have a safe and fun upcoming holiday.

Top Honorable Mention Titles

Just a quick blog to post some games that are definitely getting my attention even though they aren't in my top 15 yet.


This game looks promising. I like the premise.

Tomb Raider: Underworld

HD Lara Croft, what's not to like. The Tomb Raider games seem to be pulling out of their slump lately and I'm hoping this one really puts the series back on top.

Call of Duty: Wold at War

Back to WW II, we'll see. I loved CoD 4 and was kind of hoping for it to stick to the modern theme but what I've seen so far looks promising.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance: Fusion

The first was alot of fun for me and my son playing co-op. The added game mechanic of combining/fusing powers should make a great concept even better.


This game looks like it could be the first truly MASSIVE on-line shooter. A ton of potential here. Can't wait to see more.

Alan Wake

Will it ever get here? This game sounds so promising but when will we ever see it?

Well that's it for now friends. I know it's not much but I've been busy with Orange Box when life isn't calling so I haven't spent much time on here but wanted to put these games up and see if any of you are keeping an eye on these titles as well. Peace!

Too Human?

Well I cancelled my Too Human pre-order Monday. I don't base game purchases on reviews generally but after getting burned by Haze and seeing the incredibly mixed reviews for Too Human I decided not to risk my $60. It wasn't so much the scores as it was the faults named in most of the reviews, the pacing and length in particular. With emptiness between battles and the game only being approx. 10 hrs. long I just decided to spend my money on more of a sure thing, The Orange Box for the 360 (and put the rest on other reserves). I'm sure I'll still at least rent Too Human but with so many potentially great games coming I want to be sure before I put down my hard earned cash.

I think it was a good decision since I got The Orange Box for about $24.00 and Portal has proven to be all it was said to be. I'd already played Half-Life 2 which is why I waited so long to get it but I'm already happy with the purchase.

Well that's all for now my friends. If anyone has played Too Human I look forward to seeing what you think of it, let me know.

Darksiders: Wrath of War

Darksiders: Wrath of War has jumped onto my list at number 9 and I've dropped games releasing in August from the list. "Why Darksiders?" you might ask, how's this:

* Experience the Godlike Power of WAR – Combining brutal attacks, supernatural abilities and seamless traversal, delivering intense action combat and epic adventure, set in an immersive demon ravaged world.
* Open World Exploration – Each open world hub offers players the freedom to explore and make their own game-experience.
* Extreme Arsenal of Weapons – Unleash WAR's fury with an expansive arsenal of weapons, from the fantasy oriented to the modern and the ability to use virtually anything within your environment as a weapon.
* Increase or unlock new abilities – Customized to your gameplay **** Build up WARs Wrath powers and unleash them in spectacular attacks—or collect Soul Cores to increase or unlock new abilities.
* Horseman of the Apocalypse – Gain the services of RUIN, WAR's phantom steed, blazing a trail through enemies across devastated environments.
* Graphic Novel Art ****– Joe Madureira's (X-Men, Battle Chasers, The Ultimates) unique visual art ****and original storyline.
* Cinematic Gameplay Experience – Harnessing the power of next-generation console systems, Darksiders: Wrath of War will immerse players in a rich cinematic gameplay experience—featuring beautiful graphics, detailed special effects, cinematic

Sounds like my kind of game. It jumped onto my radar after E3 (some may have already been following this one, sorry if I'm late to the party). I'll be watching it closely from here on out. Joe Madureira creating the art and story really has me stoked and if they deliver on the rest of that list, WOW! Can't wait to see how this one turns out. Also new to the list is Killzone 2 which I'm approaching with guarded optimism "thanks" to the first Killzone, I'm beginning to come around on it but I really want to hear more on the quality of the gameplay, it looks amazing though.

1. Gears Of War 2 (360) - FPS
2. God Of War III (PS3) - Action
3. Resident Evil 5 (Multi) - Survival Horror
4. Fallout 3 (Multi) - Action RPG
5. Resistance 2 (PS3) - FPS
6. Final Fantasy XIII (MULTI) - RPG
7. Dead Space (Multi) - FPS/Horror
8. Borderlands (Multi) - FPS
9. Darksiders: Wrath of War (Multi) - Action New
10. Prototype (Multi) - Action/Adventure
11. Silent Hill: Homecoming (Multi) - Survival Horror
12. Prince Of Persia (Multi) - Action/Adventure
13. Killzone 2 (PS3) - FPS New
14. Fable 2 (360) - Action RPG
15. Project Origin (Multi) - FPS

Thanks for checking out my blog my friends and as always it's great to hear your thoughts and opinions. Take care and Game On!

Dark Knight Fastest Ever To $300M

Well The Dark Knight continues to smash records by now being the fastest movie ever to $300 million (10 days) beating Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest (16 days). According to some analysts it could shatter the record for fastest to $400 million set by Shrek 2 at 43 days by hitting the mark in as few as 18 days! Unbelieveable but very well deserved for a great movie. Is it possible it could reach the seemingly untouchable $600 million mark set by Titanic? Probably not but I would love to see that movie fall from #1 all-time FINALLY. In any case it looks like The Dark Knight is destined to reach the top 5 all-time at the very least and go down as quite possibly the best Superhero movie ever (debatable?).

My Post E3 Most Wanted List And Rambling Thoughts (Wow FF XIII on 360)

With the new announcements from E3, new trailers, and demos I thought it was only right that I do a new list given the new info. For instance I knew God Of War III was coming but wanted to wait until after E3 to see something more official before puting it in it's rightful place on my most wanted list. I'll still probably get FF XIII on PS3 but I for one think it's great it's going to be on 360 so 360 fans can experience it too, very cool IMO. After watching the E3 Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, and RE 5 trailers and demos I'm beside myself, can't wait (but I'll have to especially for RE 5, March of '09:cry: ). I honestly feel like '08 and beyond will be unbelievable for all console owners. Great time to be a gamer. Heck I may even finally get an Xbox Live Vision Camera (I'll probably just get You're In The Movies,should be a great game for our whole family). InFamous for PS3 was also looking pretty cool, who knows it could make my list in the near future.

Also my son (after much thought) decided to sell his Wii. I know, I know some may think it's crazy but he likes the 360 better and was spending more and more time gaming on it. He used the money to buy a 32" Flat Screen DLP for his room and we moved the 360 in there. He asked if we could do this and I told him if he showed me he really put some thought into it and was sure that's what he wanted to do I would be ok with it. I'm actually proud of the fact that he knows what he wants and really puts alot of thought into a decision like this. So in short we no longer have a Wii.

1. Gears Of War 2 (360) - FPS
2. God Of War III (PS3) - Action
3. Resident Evil 5 (Multi) - Survival Horror
4. Fallout 3 (Multi) - Action RPG
5. Resistance 2 (PS3) - FPS
6. Final Fantasy XIII (MULTI) - RPG
7. Borderlands (Multi) - FPS
8. Dead Space (Multi) - FPS/Horror
9. Prototype (Multi) - Action/Adventure
10. Too Human (360) - Action RPG
11. Siren: Blood Curse (Multi) - Survival Horror
12. Silent Hill: Homecoming (Multi) - Survival Horror
13. Prince Of Persia (Multi) - Action/Adventure
14. Fable 2 (360) - Action RPG
15. Project Origin (Multi) - FPS

Updated Top 15 Most Wanted Games

Well here's a new list. Siren: Blood Curse has moved up a couple of spots based on the demo I played and I added Prince Of Persia which looks really promising. Also RE 5 has been bumped up to 3rd (I'm just getting really psyched for this game). My top 7 games are pretty much guaranteed buys, the rest we'll see, it'd be great if I could buy 'em all :D .

Donations are appreciated :P . Take care my friends.

1. Gears Of War 2 (360) - FPS
2. Resident Evil 5 (Multi) - Survival Horror
3. Fallout 3 (Multi) - Action RPG
4. Resistance 2 (PS3) - FPS
5. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - RPG
6. Borderlands (Multi) - FPS
7. Dead Space (Multi) - FPS/Horror
8. Prototype (Multi) - Action/Adventure
9. Too Human (360) - Action RPG
10. Siren: Blood Curse (Multi) - Survival Horror
11. Silent Hill: Homecoming (Multi) - Survival Horror
12. Prince Of Persia (Multi) - Action/Adventure
13. Wet (Multi) - Action
14. Fable 2 (360) - Action RPG
15. Project Origin (Multi) - FPS

Siren: Blood Curse Demo Impressions

I just finished the demo for Siren: Blood Curse that I downloaded from PSN. Obviously this isn't a game for everyone but I'm intrigued to say the least. I like the survival horror genre but it's not all about blood and guts with me. I like games that have a genuinely frightening story combined with a creepy atmosphere that keeps me feeling "uneasy" throughout (in otherwords you always feel like you're being watched or you're always on your toes wondering what is lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce on you) and gives me genuine chills. If the demo is any indication then Siren: Blood Curse has a ton of potential. The only things I was a little iffy on were the camera (not bad really just wish it was more "free" ) and there was really no inventory system present in the demo and you couldn't carry but one weapon. I'm definitely moving it up my most wanted list but I haven't completely decided on whether or not to pre-order/buy it yet. I'm leaning towards getting it but there are alot of games I really want coming between now and the holidays and I'm going to have to choose well because buying them all really isn't an option:cry: .Hopefully some of you can try it out and let me know your opinions on it as well. Peace my friends and keep the gamer fires burnin'!

New Top 15 And MGS 4

I haven't done one of these in a while so since a couple of games have released or are releasing tomorrow (MGS 4 HELLO) that were on my previous list I thought I'd do a new one. As soon as I hear more concrete info on God Of War 3 I'm sure it'll be in my top 5. After watching the trailer for Siren: Blood Curse I had o include it, this game is looking super creepy. Also the true sequel to fear Project Origin looks to be a promising title as well.

1. Gears Of War 2 (360)

2. Fallout 3 (Multi)

3. Resistance 2 (PS3)

4. Resident Evil 5 (Multi)

5. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)

6. Borderlands (Multi)

7. Dead Space (Multi)

8. Too Human (360)

9. Prototype (Multi)

10. Fable 2 (360)

11. Wet (Multi)

12. Silent Hill: Homecoming (Multi)

13. Siren: Blood Curse (Multi)

14. Project Origin

15. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Multi)

And finally most of my little bit of free time will probably be sucked up by MGS 4 starting tomorrow. Can't wait :D .

Back to work, Haze, ect...

Well I've been back at work, after recovering from knee surgery, for about a week now. Right off the bat I put in 6 straight 12hr. days, I'm soooo tired. All of this has kept me away from GameSpot but I thought I'd take a couple of minutes to check in.

If you haven't bought Haze yet but were thinking about it, do yourself a favor and rent it first. I bought it and have been severely disappointed in this game. I'll try to do a review when I get time but so far, from what I have played of it, GameSpot's review is pretty much spot on for this game (I wouldn't say it's quite as bad as IGN's review suggests but it's not alot better either). Just fair warning. For a game that received so much hype to me it's a big disappointment so far. I didn't expect it to quite live up to it's hype (expected maybe AA quality title around 8.0-8.5) but it isn't even coming close for me :( .

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