JTH_22 / Member

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JTH_22 Blog

Lost Odyssey Review

Well I finally posted my review of Lost Odyssey. I hope it does justice to the game and comes across well. I haven't written alot of reviews so any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

Knee Surgery

Well I had knee surgery today. I had a lateral release done on my right kneecap to help it move more freely. The bad news is I'll be laid up off work for several weeks :( . The good news is it gives me plenty of time for gaming :P . I've got Lost Odyssey to finish, then Condemned 2 coming next week and Dark Sector a couple weeks after that so I won't get too bored. Also while I hate to get my hopes up too high for it Gears 2 is slated for a November release so I put it at #1 on my most anticipated list even though I have my doubts it'll make that date I've got my fingers crossed.

The Lost Odyssey....err...odyssey

Well with the news that game review outlets got a copy of the Lost Odyssey from MS that wasn't final and had relatively significant differences from the retail version it leaves me wondering whether or not I need to re-think getting this game. I mean I was left thinking this game had framerate issues and significantly long load times which is apparently not the case. Ofcourse I got DMC 4 instead so I can't complain but I'm debating buying this in a couple of months when there's a bit of a drought for me with games. But the biggest thing about this news is the fact that MS issued a inferior version of the game for review that has caused the game to receive unfairly bad reviews and possibly steer people who were on the fence away from buying this game. Too bad for Mistwalker and shame on MS. You'd think a publisher would be sure what they sent in for review was a final build.

Note (2-28-08 ): Well I bought LO on the 20th and once I found time to actually start playing it I found it hard to put down. It's really a shame that this game didn't fare better in reviews but all the more reason not to base purchases on reviews. As far as scoring it I'd give it an 8.5. I'll try to put a review of my own up soon.

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