JTH_22 Blog
A Few Thoughts On My New Games So Far
by JTH_22 on Comments
Resistance is quite simply one of the best shooters of this gen. and if you own a PS3 it's a must have. Thrilling and fast paced, I love this game. I hope to do a full review soon but for now I'll just leave you with my grade: 9.0 out of 10.
Shallow single player but that's not what UT is all about, it's about multiplayer. Still I don't think it would kill them to add a little more depth to the single player campaign. Overall though this is a fun frantic experience and if you love online team based mp you'll love this game. Overall an 8.0 out of 10 from me.
Neither as bad as the early reviews said (though I played with analog and it wasn't an option for the critics) nor significantly better. Lair is a visually impressive game with moments of fun and exciting action. However the excitement is muted by a targeting system that is painfully inconsistent when dealing with large numbers of enemies and this is especially noticeable when you are charged with taking down a handful of specific enemies (Toros and Rhinos on the bridge anyone?). Anyway I'll try to get a full review up on this soon too but for now I'll give it a 6.5 out of 10.
I haven't played MLB '08: The Show enough to rate it yet.
Getting A little carried away.
by JTH_22 on Comments
Well I over did it a little this past week. I bought 4 games for my PS3, they were deals I just couldn't pass up. The first was Unreal Tournament III from Gamefly. I got my new $5.00 off coupon plus I have the 10% off on top of that so since I had been thinking about getting UT III I figured now was the time. Then I found MLB '08: The Show (brand new and sealed), Resistance: Fall of Man, and Lair all from the same seller on eBay so I got a sweet deal on shipping. Now I just have to find the time to play them all :P . I still have one more week before I return to work from my knee surgery, I guess I won't get bored 8) . To top it off I've still got GT 5: Prologue and R & C: ToD rented. Then MGS 4 comes out in June not to mention Iron Man coming in less than a week :shock: . Anybody else ever start on too many games at once? Maybe I need help :P .
2008 Most Wanted: Now A Top 15
by JTH_22 on Comments
Well I've cut back to a top 15 list because the top 25 was just too much too keep up with and adjust (especially since I change my mind regularly the further down the list I get). Anyway here's a new, refreshed, and shorter 2008 most wanted list. Witha noticeable new addition debuting at 13.
1. Gears Of War 2 (360)
2. Fallout 3 (Multi)
3. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)
4. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
5. Resistance 2 (PS3)
6. Borderlands (Multi)
7. Dead Space (Multi)
8. Too Human (360)
9. Fable 2 (360)
10. Prototype (Multi)
11. Wet (Multi)
12. Haze (PS3)
13. Silent Hill: Homecoming (Multi)
14. Ninja Gaiden II (360)
15. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Multi)
HDD Swap Complete, Finally
by JTH_22 on Comments
Well my HDD swap was a bit more adventurous than I'd hoped. It was partly my fault and partly some incomplete and/or poorly ordered (poorly ordered on Sony's update page IMO I'll cover that in a bit) instructions. Long story short if I had to do it again I could do it in a matter of 30 min. or so including the back-up and restore times. Anyway the story is below for anyone who wants to read it, I originally posted the following on the Council Of Gamers Union board and copy and pasted here. I urge all who've been invited to join the Council Of Gamers, I think this will be a fun and active union. Anyway on to how my HDD swap went (the original post was done as a helpful hint for anyone planning to upgrade their HDD):
First off this "hint" is actually in the PS3 manual but if you're not careful you could overlook something as I did the first time through. So basically this is meant to help anyone doing this avoid the headache I went through due to a simple oversight.
The best way to approach this is to use one of the following links and follow the instructions on those pages, both are quite helpful right up to the point where you turn the console back on:
Now after completing the process per the instructions you would think you are done when you turn the console back on other than following the onscreen prompts to formatting the HDD. But something is left out of these instructions that could cause some people to pull their hair out. What I am talking about is however mentioned at the tail end of the PS3 Manual's instructions on swapping the HDD but the adventure doesn't neccessarily end there.
Here's what happens:
After completing the swap per the set of instructions you choose to use you will then reconnect the PS3 and turn it on. After doing so you may get a screen telling you to connect a controller via the usb cord and press the PS button. After doing this you will get a screen stating "The system software cannot run correctly. Press the PS button to try to restart the system.". You can try to restart but most likely it won't change anything and you'll need to follow the next set of directions as follows: "If the system cannot be restarted , the system partition of the hard disk must be reformatted and you must reinstall the system software.
Insert storage media that contains the update data of version x.xx (whatever the latest version is, right now it's 2.30) or later, and then press the START and SELECT buttons at the same time.". Now you can insert your back-up media and press the START and SELECT buttons but more than likely you'll need to download the update data via your pc onto your back-up media. The back-up I used was a 60gb Maxtor Mini One-Touch III which I connected to my PC via usb. To download the update you'll need to go to here: http://www.us.playstation.com/PS3/About/SystemUpdate and go to the bottom left of the page where you'll have links for updating via PS3 (which obviously you won't be able to do), update via PC (the method I used), and update via disc media (which you can attempt if you have a game disc with the latest update on the disc).
After clicking the update via PC button scroll down slightly to the "Update data download procedure" on the page that follows. There are two steps to follow then a "download now" button below them BUT be sure to read the "Notice" slightly below the "download now" button BEFORE clicking it (IMO this info should have been in the directions prior to the "download now" button but I guess that's why you gotta read the "fine print")! If you don't save the data EXACTLY as the notice tells you it will NOT work. The first time I missed the notice and the update folder was saved in all lowercase letters ("update") so the PS3 didn't recognize it. The next time I saw the notice and saved the file in all CAPS ("UPDATE") and it worked.
Afte you've saved the update data correctly you should be able to connect your back-up media to your PS3, press the START and SELECT buttons (from the earlier mentioned screen), and follow the prompts.
Hope this helps and is clearer than mud :P . If you have any qestions feel free to e-mail me or pm me on here. Any editing suggestions on how to make this better will be appreciated. Thanks! And Game-On!
Upgrading my PS3 HDD
by JTH_22 on Comments
After reading several step by step instructions on the process of changing out the hard drive on my PS3 I decided to give it a shot. I just purchased a brand new 250gb PS3 compatible HDD off eBay for (get this) $88 including shipping :D . Now if I hadn't had to get a usb external source to back it up on I would have been that much better off but oh well I can get more use from that other than just with my PS3. When it arrives I'll post how my experience with this whole thing went, I was just pretty pumped about doing it and couldn't wait. For anyone looking for instructions on this process here are some links below plus your PS3 manual should also include instructions on swapping the HDD out (mine does).
http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=8235228&publicUserId=5746297 this one is my favorite.
http://www.gamespot.com/features/6176090/index.html?cpage=10 and ofcourse this is gamespots article on the subject.
O.K. My Tag Response Finally
by JTH_22 on Comments
Well I was tagged by Manhunt420 and I don't know alot about it so I'll just follow his lead (sorry it took so long).
1. I have one older brother with two kids of his own, my niece and nephew who I adore but don't get to see too often due to them living in another state.
2. I'm married to a wonderful woman and have one son who is the light of my life and frequent gaming partner 8) , one step-son, and FOUR step-grandchilden that also mean th world to me (hey what can I say I married an older woman ;) ).
3. I'm a movie and video game (obviously) buff. My favorite movies are sci-fi, superhero (good ones), and action flicks.
4. I have always been a huge Iron Man fan dating back to my childhood and I'm more excited about the upcoming Iron Man flick than any other superhero movie to date.
5. And like manhunt I also take meds. for my blood pressure.
I guess that's it, hope I did it alright. I tag ironcreed, JesusFreak1990, lord_ofoblivion, GrlMm23, and HushRong.
All New Top 25 Most Anticipated '08 List
by JTH_22 on Comments
1. Gears Of War 2 (11-08 ) (360): Not convinced this will actually make it's '08 release date but as long as it's announced for this year it easily takes the number one spot for me.
2. Fallout 3 (release 9-9-08 ) (Multi)
3. Metal Gear Solid 4 (6-17-08 ) (PS3)
4. Final Fantasy XIII (12-13-08 ) (PS3)
5. Resistance 2 (9-2-08 ) (PS3)
6. Borderlands (Q4 08 ) (Multi) - Returned to the list. The delay was 'til "FY '09" meaning it could still land before the end of '08.
7. Dead Space (10-8-08 ) (Multi) - up 1 spot (4-9-08 )
8. Too Human (5-6-08 ) (360) - Down 1 spot (4-9-08 )
9. Fable 2 (late 08 ) (360)
10. Prototype (9-15-08 ) (Multi)
11. Wet (10-1-08 ) (Multi)
12. Ninja Gaiden II (360)
13. Tomb Raider: Underworld (Multi) - Movin' on up due to some recent screens and article on it. Getting my hopes up for it. Up 9 spots. (4-1-08 )
14. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Multi) - Up 1 spot (4-1-08 )
15. Gran Tuismo 5 (TBA 08 ) (PS3) - Up 1 spot (4-1-08 )
16. Killzone 2 (9-01-08 ) (PS3) - Up 6 spots (4-9-08 )
17. Soul Calibur IV (6-24-08 ) (Multi) - Down 1 spot (4-9-08 )
18. Left 4 Dead (6-18-08 ) (360) - Down 1 spot (4-9-08 )
19. Mercenaries 2: World In Flames (8-26-08 ) (Multi) - Down 1 spot (4-9-08 )
20. Fracture (9-15-08 ) (Multi) - Down 1 spot (4-9-08 )
21. Alone In The Dark (7-15-08 ) (Multi) - Down 1 spot (4-9-08 )
22. Haze (PS3) - Down 1 spot (4-9-08 ) I'm getting a little concerned about this one with what I've seen from it lately.
23. Midnight Club: L.A. (4-28-08 ) (Multi)
24. NCAA Football '09 (7-15-08 ) (Multi) - Down 4 spots (4-1-08 )
25. Halo Wars (7-1-08 ) (360) - Down 1 spot (4-1-08 )
Well I went and did it....
by JTH_22 on Comments
I ordered a 40gb PS3 today. I was going to wait for the MGS4 bundle but got $100 off so getting a PS3 for $299 got the better of me. I went ahead and ordered Uncharted with it. Can't wait to get it, this gives me all 3 consoles now so I'll be in "Gaming Heaven". When this gen started I didn't think there was anyway I'd get all three but with the price drops and the deal I got (not to mention the tax rebate check I'll be getting soon) my dream became a reality :D . Ofcourse I'll probably rent more games and buy a few less because let's face it at $60 a pop it'll get a little rough buying everything I want on the 360 and PS3 (the Wii is mainly my son's but ofcourse I play on it some too :D ) .
For now I'll probably still play my 360 more because I'm addicted to achievements but I'm sure both will get some love. To me the PS3 deal was worth it as a Blu-Ray player alone so I felt it was a win win situation.
Viking: Battle For Asgard
by JTH_22 on Comments
Well I'm starting to get more excited about this game everyday it seems. I hope they release a demo soon because I'd still like to try the gameplay out a bit before I plop down $60 for it. However the open world, Norse mythology, graphics, and stylish hack and slash gameplay have my expectations high. I moved it up two spots on my list to #10. The following link was provided in the system wars forum by ironcreed and the article is a must read for anyone interested in this game at all.
Sidenote on Condemned 2: Bloodshot: The first reviews are in!
Sounds like it's going to live up to my expectations :D :D !
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