Virtual games should be automatic. Its not that hard to emulate. Every game you have bought on wii-u & 3ds should be able to download on the switch. Knowing Nintendo, they will make you re-buy them again!
Time to re-buy everything again for the switch. Every single game released on the wii-u will get re-released on the switch. I guarantee it! They need to kill the 3ds too. You dont need two handheld devices. Its the only way the switch will be successful.
@RS13: i like the xbox one because you can just plug in an externsl hdd and go! The stupid Ps4 you gotta take out the hdd and you better buy a 2tb cause a 1tb fills up quick . You can put 2 external hdd and have like 10TB or more! That is crazy! You'll never run out of space!
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