I upgraded the PS4 hdd to a 2TB. The PS4 original 500GB hdd is just lying around. I wish the PS4 was sold without it. It would of been cheaper to just buy the system by itself. You knew that sooner or later you would have to upgrade it. The best thing to do is not to buy digital games for the Switch. Just buy a 128 MicroSD card and you're good for updates and DLC. The game runs off the cartridge itself and knowing Nintendo, you won't need 5gig updates on day one like PS4 and XBOX1.
@lonewolf1044: Sorry to tell you buddy, but maybe two games a year from Nintendo is all there will ever be. It's the wii & wii-u story all over again.
I might get a switch when xenoblades comes out. And that's s big maybe! Zelda is available on wii-u so I can wait. Other than that, i guess i'll wait. To tell you the truth i'm just gonna wait.
Jag-T1000's comments