@guitarist1980: only if they drop the Wii-u and 3ds completely. Otherwise no way! Maybe 10 million in 4 years.
@Hillsy_: you do know you gotta wait more than a year for all those games. Right? (Except zelda) (nov. for mario)
@nazart81: i have both too, but i buy everything on xbox one. Ps4 only for exclusives. Im not upgrading it again. My xbox one 2TB is half full and when it fills up I can just slap another 3 or 4 tb external HDD on there.
900p? What the hell! I'll just get the wii-u version. They practically look the same. Not worth paying another $300 for the system at the moment.
@Thanatos2k: Nintendo doesn't do patches, Their games are 100% complete on release. If there is a patch, it'll be small.
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