God of War. Not a bad game, but 'DMC/NG killer', 'best PS2 action game', 'epic bosses', 'best story/main character'? What a load of over-hype. I'll stick with DMC3, thanks. If I want lots of gore and awesome visuals, I'll watch a movie.
Jagazaar's forum posts
Nope. I play games religiously, and I've beaten DMC3 on Dante Must Die mode. Yet my friends who only play games occasionally destroy me mercilessly every time we play. My only hope is to come up with weird insults/phrases, often in stupid voices, to temporarily throw them off-guard. My most successful was "Get caught in a hurricane of d**ks!". Managed to get 2 KOs before they recovered.
Probably my PAL version of Rez. Only the PS2 version, but I still had to Ebay it up.
Also got copies of SMT: Nocturne (or 'Lucifers Call' as it's known here.....ugh), DDS1 & DDS2 special edition, but I don't think those are overly rare.
Got Suikoden 5, MGS3: Subsistence, PAL special edition of Silent Hill 2, & Disgaea also.
Sonic. I mean, come on, he's holding a freaking flower in the second photo, isn't that just adorable?
Can't imagine any relationships getting physical though unless one is the overly kinky type that likes getting jabbed and possibly impaled by sharp spines.
Gran Turismo 3 was the first game I played last gen. Naturally, having been a SNES/Genesis/PS1 fan, I was pretty floored by the jump.
More recently, the art direction and style of Shadow of the Colussus, and Okami.
but wasn't half life 2 (and counter strike) also on xbox 1?
why it didn't earn that title back then if it was better?
They were ports, and suffered from some technical issues not in the originals. Half-Life 2 for Xbox had no multiplayer, and by the time the CS port arrived, it'd already been out for something like 4 or 5 years on the PC. For free.
I smell elk! *howls*
This is going to be one heck of an immersive experience. *cancels Bioshock pre-order*
"Nobody gives a damn about you! From now on, your new name is Mid-Boss!" -Laharl, Disgaea
"PRINNIES, D00D!!!" "D000000000D!" -Prinnies, Disgaea
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