As a series, Metal Gear Solid. As a lone game? killer7 hands down. That game's sheer depth, twists, obscure parallels and analogies, and open-endedness combine to give it a plot that rivals most books I've read.
If those reviews were true, it's sad how people aren't paying the Megaten release any attention considering how great it did despite being last gen content.-RPGamer-
Speaking of which, would you happen to know the PAL/AU release date for Persona 3? I can't seem to find any info on it. It scored as high as Nocturne/DDS1&2, so this is pretty much a must-buy for me.
Shame it's still mostly a niche franchise outside Japan though.
ALL reviews are subjective. I can guarantee you there are people out there that think games like Ocarina of Time are downright horrible, and 50 Cent: Bulletproof is the best ever.
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