Interesting analogy, much kudos to you for sharing it.
In the case of fanboys/mobbing/personal attacks, I personally attribute the mentality to a fundamental instinctive behaviour. In a nutshell, humans were originally tribal creatures, and though it isn't as apparent today, you can still see a LOT of it around if you're willing to draw the parallels. We get instinctive satisfaction from achieving a higher 'rank' in a social 'hierarchy', regardless of whether that hierarchy is clearcut or subconscious.
Insulting/attacking another person makes one feel superior and gives satisfaction, as you're artificially placing yourself above that person in the hierarchy. You see a lot of the hierarchy mentality in schoolyards with bullies and clubs/cliques/'popular' groups etc. As an example, don't you feel good about yourself for being 'better' than people like the posters who go down in legend with comments like "Who/what the hell are the Zerg?". Not levelling that last bit as a criticism at anyone, it's just natural.
Fanboyism is a bit of an extreme case of this, as a person tries to take themself to a much higher 'rank' by completely denying the opinions and beliefs of anybody who feels differently about gaming/consoles/companies. It can often backfire though, as some fanboys get pretty agitated when others effectively debunk their one-sided arguments, making their rank seem less 'secure' and killing the satisfaction they try and achieve.
This also plays a part in fakeboyism/trolling, as by making others over-react, you feel good by playing with people's opinions and emotions, it gives a sense of superiority that you can make people act in a certain way by using yourself as flamebait. It's a form of manipulation, and it makes one feel more intelligent by 'outwitting' others.
I must admit my beliefs don't really fit in with the meta-gaming argument from what I can see, but I just thought I might try and contribute a tidbit to an interesting, original thread.
Oh, and for playing in character, you must be getting a decent EXP boost, you lucky sod. You're gonna out-level me at this rate :(
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