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Jared_Vegeta Blog

You Wii Fitness Age is 47!

So I have come to a realization this weekend about Wii Sports and Japanese people. They must be a whole lot fitter than us Americans. Because I was playing Wii Sports over the weekend and I decided to do me a little fitness test. Well, if you couldn't of already guessed, it turns out that my Wii Fitness age was 47. Oh, did I mention that I'm 18 and in pretty dang good shape. I mean, I go to the gym 4-5 days a week to workout, yet Wii Sports sees me as 47 year old man. Then my friend took the test and he got a Wii Fitness age of 77...he's 19. Like it got me thinking, what would an actual 77 year old man's Wii fitness age be? 203? And another thing, how does putting factor into evaluating my fitness age? There are three categories that factor into your fitness age: Balance, Stamina, and Speed. Where does putting fit? Why can I only take one fitness test a day? My friend bought the game and I can't take as many fitness test as I want? I'm so confused?!

VR and AiC to Tour this Summer

This comes as probably the best music news ever.  Considering my two favorite bands are Stone Temple Pilots and Alice in Chains, this news is only too cool.  In a recent announcement, VR will be teaming up with the newly formed AiC for tour this summer in the US and Canada.  Considering I still listen to the two bands more than anyone else, it's needless to say that I must go to this concert.  I will find a way.  That's just a once in a lifetime thing right there.  Two of the greatest bands ever together on tour.  I think my head just might explode.  Anyways, there are also reports that the newly formed AiC might be coming out with some new material, so I'm really looking forward to that as well.  And let's also not forget about VR's new CD "Liberation," which is also due out very soon.  Anyways, if you haven't heard there new single, here is a link to the video.  I think it's awesome.

Also, be sure to check out for the latest VR news and stuff.



Splinter Cell Conviction Revealed

I must say that I'm really interested in Splinter Cell Conviction.  I really do like what their doing.  I mean, Shanghai made Double Agent but just couldn't pull it off.  Looks like Montreal is going to come along and pull it all together into a great game.  They haven't failed us yet.  But yeah, I'm interested.  I mean, let's face it, while a new SCCT with better graphics and new levels would please some, I don't think Montreal wants to be repetitive like that.  Also, if you think about it, the first three SC and SCDA are kind of like different series almost.  And SC 1-3 just got better as they progressed, peaking at Chaos Theory.  So maybe it was just Shanghai screwing up or maybe it was them trying to put together a new feel for SC and they just missed a bit, or both.  Either way, here is to hoping that the new kind Splinter Cell follows that same trend as the first three SC.

Anyways, here is a link to the site that Legendtaker117 posted in one of the forums.  Enjoy.

Splinter Cell Vindication Article

Edit:  Sorry, the links supposed to read SC Conviction.  Man, I need to lay off WoW.


I recently got Vista Business up and running on my PC.  I must say that it really does look good.  However, there are a few quirks with it.  First, I had a problem with WoW.  The game ran very jerky like and the sound was skipping.  So I did some research on it and found an answer to my solution.  It turns out that it was as simple as updating my drivers on my video cards.  After that, the game now runs perfect.  Even better than XP ran it.  Its really amazing, I couldn't believe that DirectX 10 would make such a difference.  Still, I have a few problems with it.  The permission stuff is really getting annoying and is completely useless to me.  I mean I can't even sync up my iPod because it says I don't have permission to write to that folder, even though I am the admin.  So doesn't make sense.  Whatever, just keep your drivers updated.  UPDTATE THEM!

Farewell (Not me though)

Well, that sucks.  Greg Kasavin is leaving Gamespot.  While he wasn’t one of my favorites, he did write very accurate reviews, regardless of how mad you were that one of your favorite games got a lower score than expected.  And what I hate even more about the whole him leaving is that it might open up the flood gates for others to leave.  I mean, what is Gamespot without Alex, Jeff, and Brad?  I just hope that doesn’t happen.  Anyways, I just reserved WoW:BC and can’t wait to get it.  As for other games I’m looking forward to, GRAW 2 might be the next one coming out.  Also, my brother got back from Wal-Mart and said he saw a PS3 just sitting there.  I thought that was funny.  Take that Sony.

Been A While

…I hate typing on a laptop.  I just erased everything I was typing and have to start over.  Oh well, here goes again.  Two movies you must see, Crank and Jackass 2.  Trust me, see Crank, its amazing.  In gaming news, I started playing Guitar Hero after moving into my dorm about a month ago.  Yeah, I go to college now and they love to give you a ton of work.  Who would have thought you would have to work in college?  Oh well, Guitar Hero, I’ve already beaten it on expert.  I love the game more than I thought I would.  I still continue to play it and cannot wait until Guitar Hero II, which, by the way, features the two greatest bands ever, Stone Temple Pilots and Alice in Chains.  I also can’t wait to play other songs, such as “Sweet Child ‘O Mine,” “Surrender,” and “Got Me Now.”  Man, that games going to be almost too good.  In other news, I am still in shock at how cool the MGS4 trailer was that was released at TGS on the 21st, my birthday by the way, 18.  Hideo manages to have us all talking about MGS4 even though I’m sure it won’t be out for another year at the least.  Also, not very interested in the new Ninja Gaidan game, I mean it’s a remake of a remake.  And the graphics aren’t even much better.  Just make a true sequel already.  Also, after reading over Sony’s keynotes at TGS, I think they have once again shot themselves in the foot.  I mean, offering HDMI cables with the lower $499 package is good, but then announcing a $80 price cut for Japan, but no the US is just ridiculous.  I really hope the 360 prospers over the PS3 for Sony’s arrogance.  I am also still pumped about the release of Splinter Cell Double Agent.  About a month away from release, and I cannot wait.  Oh well, guess I’ll have to, and by then, Guitar Hero II and GoW will be due out soon.  Now I really can’t wait.  Anyways, that’s all I’ve got for now.  Tune in next time…whenever that may be with fifty million things to do for college.

Clerks II

Went and saw Clerks II about a week ago.  All I've got to say is that it's probably one of the funniest movies I've seen a long time.  Just check it out, you'll die laughing.  Guarantee.  Sorry, that’s all I have time for.  Upset about the stupid ESA and their stupid ruling on E3.  Anyways, I highly recommend you see Clerks II.  You'll love it.


Funny Pictures and Animated Gifs.

Sorry, but I just have to post these things.  I'm sure everybody has already seen them, but for those who haven't, I found them to be hilarious.  Check it out.  Oh, and by the way, don't post these images around Gamespot, I know the owl is already banned from the forums.

Pure pwnage, except for the owl...thats just funny.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Review

I recently saw Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest last night and I must say that I was pleased. The movie was great and it contained many moments which made the first movie such a hit. Depp is awesome as always and Bloom does a good job. The movie does some interesting things by bringing back some familiar faces and switching their roles around. It’s also to be noted that this movie does have sort of an abrupt ending, however, in a good way. The ending leaves you thinking, “Man, I can’t wait to se the next one, that’s going to be awesome.” It’s kind of like Halo 2’s ending, except less disappointing. The movie really doesn’t finish the story about Davy Johns, but it sets itself up for an awesome opportunity to deliver even more in the next film, which hits next summer. With it’s spectacular fight scenes, great acting, action packed moments, and comic relief, any fan of the first must see it. I also recommend seeing the first if you haven’t before seeing this film. Two thumbs up.

Verdict: 9.4/10

Reviewer's Choice Award