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Jared_Vegeta Blog

Update # Million

Well, just got done posting my review on Battlefield 2:  Modern Comabt for the Xbox 360.  Be sure and check out the review, but don't check out the game.  I rented it because I thought it would be fun since I enjoyed the Battlefield games for PC, but it is not even close to the same thing.  EA goes off and puts games out like this and it thats why everyone hates them.  Anyways, be sure to check it out and recommend it or let me know what you think about the game because I'm interested in seeing if others thought the same thing.  Just leave a comment.


Also, be sure and check out the new Splinter Cell Double Agent screens for the 360.  The game is looking beautiful and I can't wait to play it.

Join The Resistance

Just finished reading a few more questions in GS' mailbag and decided that I would promote something here.

Simply go to this site and sign up, it doesn't take long.  Then after you sign up, it'll ask you to send a letter that is already pre-written and pre-addressed to your state's US senators.  This site is devoted to keeping all those annoying video game laws out of your state, such as the one's Jack Thompson and Hillary Clinton are pushing for.  So just do it, it takes like 2 minutes.

Me Playing Too Much WoW And Burning Questions

After reading the mailbag that I thought was so funny a few days ago, I realized something about the question where the guy is asking Alex about naming his children after video game characters.  After reading it allowed to my friend, I couldn't help notice the person's address.  It turns out that he is from Walhalla, SC, a mere 10 miles away from where I live.  It's actually quite a fitting question considering the type of people that live up there.  Anyway, I just thought that was pretty cool that someone from around here got their question answered by Alex Navarro.

Oh, and by the way Barrett, here is World of Warcraft and why I’m still not sure as to why it’s like the best game ever, here is some proof to why I talk about it so much.

Weekly Update

Alright, just wanted to post an update, bored so I figured I would.  Anyways, this week’s Burning Questions was hilarious.  You can check it here.  Be sure and read the one about the PS3…well there all basically about the PS3 and Wii, but you’ll know which one I’m talking about.  Also, got Hitman:  Blood Money this week.  Great game, improves a lot on its predecessor’s, however its fairly short.  I’ll try and get a review up on it soon.  And lastly, I’ll try and put some more interesting things on my here every now and then, so be sure and check back.

I'm Back!

Finally, my suspension is lifted.  Yeah yeah, I got suspended for 5 days apparently because I posted some comments that Gamespot deemed discriminating.  Oh well, Gamespot shouldn’t post stories about homosexuals if they don't want comments like so.  I have a feeling a lot of others were suspended as well.  Anyways, just picked up Hitman:  Blood Money.  Also, I'm seeing all this stuff about Spore and have no clue what it is.  So I decided to look into it, and it turns out to be pretty sweet.  All I know is that you can make your on creature and play as them, which sounds awesome.  Anyways, I'll try to get my Hitman review up as soon as possible.

PS3 FFVII Remake Confirmed?

Ok, so my friend just brought this month's EGM over and if you look on page 76 in the middle of the page at the bottom, it says that "Last year, Square Enix teased everyone with what is called the 'FFVII PS3 tech demo.' Well, what do you know: This test case was really a sneak peek at a next-gen revival of the PS1 role-playing hit." Personally, I don’t believe that its true, however, EGM wouldn’t just post something completely bogus. I also checked just to be sure it wasn’t the April fool’s edition. So what is going on here? How could a fairly reputable source such as EGM just put this information out there and have no other news source follow it up? I mean, a FFVII remake for the PS3 has been debated for quite sometime now, but having no sources or reasoning behind it just leaves me faithless to the whole rumor. Also, as noted by another active forum member, the team behind the FFVII tech demo is currently working on Final Fantasy XIII, while the Kingdom Hearts’ team is busy with Final Fantasy Versus XIII. That’s a lot of projects to try and balance while recreating a game that is largely considered to be the best RPG ever. So my question stands, did EGM just falsely confirm this rumor or is there some truth to it?

Pre-Post-E3 Impressions

So E3 has one more day left, but just about all that is important has been shown.  I must say that this years E3 was amazing.  I enjoyed it a lot.  I got to see a ton of games I have been following in action.  Also got to take a look at the Wii and PS3.  For the record, Gamespot did an awesome job of making me feel like I was there.  Great job, lots of information, nice blogs, everything was spectacular.  Some of my personal highlights included the Wii, Red Steel, MGS4, Halo 3, Splinter Cell Double Agent, Brothers in Arms, WoW:BC, Rainbow Six Vegas, and plenty of others.  I really enjoyed both Microsoft and Nintendo's press conferences; however, Sony's was disappointing.  They had a handful of titles that weren't interesting, and a huge price for the console.  However, the Wii surprised me and has now got me all excited about it.  I think that the Wii will be an awesome console that will be really enjoyable when played with friends.  Kind of like a giant party game.  The 360 showcased and impressive display of games with Gears of War, Halo 3, Splinter Cell Double Agent, Rainbow Six, Mass Effect, Too Human, just one of the most solid lineups ever.  In all, I'm really excited about these things to come and still have to go back and read up on everything.  Once again, kudos to Gamespot for the excellent job they did.

E3: Post-Sony Press Conference Impressions

So Sony's press conference is over.  I have to say that there were a few good titles that I saw.  A few of these included Eight Days which looked amazing and, of course, Metal Gear Solid 4.  However, I must admit that I am a bit disappointed.  I really only saw a few games that I was interested in.  Sure, a ton of the games looked great and all, but they just didn't seem like they would be fun.  I'm sure Virtua Fighter 5 and Tekken will be good, but I'm not really the fighting game type.  But then some of EA's titles that nobody cares about, some lame returning series such as the Getaway, and a bunch of games by a bunch of unheard of developers.  Also, one thing that was noticeably absent was Sony's online strategy.  They talked briefly about it basically saying they would have one, and that’s it.  And when the time I was waiting for came around, the MGS4 trailer, I was disappointed that it hadn't been translated to English and that it was overall just not that satisfying.  I must admit that the controller and WarHawk demo was pretty awesome.  I feel that Sony has really kind of pulled one over on Nintendo, but I really don't see too many game developers using this controller to their advantage.  We'll just have to wait and see.  I don't know, maybe I'm being to strict with my expectations, I'm not sure.  I do hope, however, that we get some more interesting titles tomorrow during Nintendo's and Microsoft's press conferences.

Advent Children Review

Just got done posting my Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children review.  Be sure to check it out, I feel it is a great review.  Also, feel free to leave comments here about what you think about it and my review.

New Banner...Again

Got bored of Spring break and decided to me cook me up a new banner.  I like this one a lot.  I even took time the time to put my user name in a cool font in the bottom left corner, but I forgot that the navigation bar goes there so its blocked out.  Feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think.