Geez it aint that hard, take the WC3 story and finish it with the Wrath of the Lich King expansion from WoW, theres a complete story and one fans would love to see on the big screen, the rise and fall of Arthas and the Lich King.
Cant they ask blizzard for ideas, or is dear old blizz stumped as well.
@SiLenTWarrior29 That makes no sense at all, if he was an xbot he sure as hell wouldnt chose jail over playing his xbox all day everyday for over a month.
Maybe you should remain silent as you're name says.
MS completely f*cked themselves over with X1, by trying to reach a broader audience they alienate both, pushing hardcore gamers to the side and including unbelievably stupid options like a preowned game activation fee will not only cause gamers to not bother buying their console and instead opt for a more game orientated console like the PS4, or just stick with their 360 since they are supposedly supporting it for some time.
And the whole entertainment side of the console is completely pointless as anyone outside of the must own new tech people nobody else will be interested in a £300-400 set top box with voice command features.
After all the negativity surrounding the past 2 years of the 360's lifestime i really dont understand how they came up with this direction for the new gen.
@sladakrobot @Jasbro Well arnt you completely wrong, i was an avid xbox supporter and owned all the xbox consoles, even when my first 360 broke i bought a new one and after that one i bought another one, and after that one i bought the new slim version, but after they kept losing exclusive after exclusive until they only had Halo and Gears of War left i lost any reason to own the thing and keep forking out money to play the limited amount of games online.
So i may be an Ex-fan, but im not a hater because they gave us some great game series over the years.
Hopefully they improve upon their Dead Island combat system assuming it is the same engine, it wasnt horrible per-say but it wasnt anywere near as satisfying as Skyrim.
Are people actually excited about Blacklist?, i've read a few comments saying how they're hoping is recaptures what Splinter Cell once was which i find really funny.
Since Micheal Ironside is no longer voicing Sam Fisher which is for me a big part of the game, and because of that i dont feel like this is a Splinter Cell game at all, but instead just some knockoff trying to copy a great franchise.
Im confused, so shes saying to succeed games have to copy what most other games do, instead of trying to make your game unique and stand out from the crowd she wants SC to blend in and become as generic as most of the other games.
And anyone who found any of the previous SC games complex in anyway should stay away from games with an actual plot in them in general.
The fact that both Darksiders and Red Faction have had no buyers is a f**king crime, Armageddon might not have been as good as Guerrilla it was still a great game i really enjoyed the ability to remake everything you destroyed.
Letting these great franchise just die off is frustrating as hell, while crap ones just keep getting funded.
Jasbro's comments