@t3ero2zero @Jasbro @skiggy29 @evil13killer Pretty much all their exclusives, i do love the Halo and Gears series but they arnt worth paying what MS are asking for the X1.
Ill be fine with my Infamous 3/Killzone/Uncharted 4/The Last of Us 2 and any other future exclusives we know will come, that doesnt include new ones.
@t3ero2zero Erm why would they kill it exactly?, do you really think they dont want the money they'd make from PC on the very very small chance it would convince more people to buy a $500 console?, hell no thats the stupidest idea i've seen in a while, since MS announced the X1.
@skiggy29 @evil13killer Why dont say those 2?, they are exclusives and they are better than what X1 has to offer, their only decent game Titanfall is on PC too, the rest of the launch lineup is mostly crossplatform games like CoD and BF4.
@Play-Pretend Dude, you do realise all of them except maybe Unreal are Military shooters, Quake and Doom have you playing as a marine, Halo's spartans are marine types.
I think you probably meant modern shooters since pretty much 90% of FPS games are some form of military player character.
Anyone with a brain will know the answer, no it wont kill CoD, why?, because Titanfall is on 1 console and CoD is on everything, now if you'd have said can it kill Halo then that would have been a fairer question and i'd still say no to be honest but thats just me.
And why does something have to die for another thing to be popular, isnt gaming big enough for everyone.
I am looking forward to seeing more of Titanfall as i love mech based games and this one looks interesting.
@DMND @Jasbro Well EA is considered evil for other reasons, mainly for ruining beloved franchises like C&C and ME as well as closing down some development teams that made some of those great games, as well as being greedy :).
Activision is just as bad as EA though, so they are not alone atleast.
@bloodtearse Rift went F2P after 2 years, so that 3-4 months is a little off.
So we will see how it plays out, just because you and a few others are saying they are not going to bother, doesnt mean there arnt a few thousand others that are willing to.
Jasbro's comments