@mucking_foron Yes they should just give up on the millions of dollars they've thrown into this game, just because you feel it will fail, great business plan there.
@FET4LJUICE If they drop it for consoles they should do it for everything, while PC gamers dont pay for their online gaming they shouldnt have to fund the games future updates for consoles with their subscription costs.
@Ricky Jones They are called M$ because most people who call them that fail to realize that MS is a business and they are out to make money, they are not a charity.
And while i dislike their current ideas on what gamers want in their new console they have done some great things for us, back when the Xbox came out they gave away 2 free games to everyone that bought an xbox within the first few months because they'd reduced the price of the console (know anyone else thats done that), when the 360 had its hardware failures they offered to repair or replace them free of charge.
They may not be perfect but they are not the evil corporation everyone makes them out to be.
@Scorpion1813 @fanirama Yes we all know its cool to hate Tom Cruise purely because of his religious choices, but the guy is an amazing actor, hell his past roles in Mission Impossible movies make him the perfect choice for this movie.
Hes a far better choice than some of the retarded suggestions i've read on here, Vin Diesel seriously?, Gary Oldman was mentioned yea the guys is amazing but come on.
To me hes as perfect for the role as Nathan Fillion is for Nathan Drake.
Well that was a boring video, all they talked about was the graphics and how its not mind blowingly amazing, why call this a gameplay video if all you're going to talk about is how average it looks, it is a crowdfunded game you cant possibly expect Crysis 3 graphics.
@gww101 @Jasbro While the Dark Portal and the incursion of the Orcs crossed my mind, how would it end though since the Orcs are still around today and still at war with the alliance and will be for some time to come.
With Arthas we have a clear start and end to his story, that is the trouble i think they are facing with making this movie, while it has tons of lore, what lore can they use for a clear cut story with a satisfactory ending.
I fear that until World of Warcraft comes to a definitive end the lore will be unusable in movie format unless they use old lore from before WoW and perhaps even before the Warcraft games altogether.
Jasbro's comments