@isariamkia: Yeah, but they're still being very vague. Sure, you don't *have* to, but what sort of affect are those side missions going to have on the game? Is it going to be like DAI where is this long timer to wait for your teams to finish up. Is it going to be excessively long and tedious if you just leave it on its own? Fingers crossed for no...buuut yeah.
As long as it's meaningful content, that's fantastic. There is nothing worse than an overly bloated world with a bunch of shallow fetch style quests. They can have their place, but it can get boring incredibly fast when that's the main focus.
I have to agree with the story point of view. It was very dull and because this game seems to focus on the story even more, it makes the game drag on a bit at certain points. Specifically the start, I really wish they just let us get on with it.
@kiloman_74: I think that's a whole different kettle of fish. Isn't that still in development just all around the board? I didn't think that had a proper release date yet, even for Japanese audiences.
I think there is room for both. I love player choice and freedom within a game and its narrative. It's great and it can be really fun to play around with the world. On the other hand a more linear experience, especially when focusing more on the narrative side of things, they can be a lot richer in detail, more refined and can provide a more fulfilling experience. Variety is the spice of life as they say...I'd rather they mix it up. Not every game needs to be the same.
Jasurim's comments