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JayProBii Blog

Counting Down

Just checked up on my order, it's already dispatched :D.

How is everyone doing? Anyone get any new games that they can recommend for me? I plan to buy many more these holidays with the money I got from Christmas.

I'm also getting closer to my "Modern Warfare 2' platinum by soloing 'Estate Takedown'. Towards the end I went into the estate and stayed upstairs sniping people, relying on my claymores to protect me. With just 5 more hostiles to go another claymore saved my life, I went down to put down another only to find out I had run out. I managed to get two more kills and then I heard the dreaded drum beat, that ominous sound indicating a Juggernaut was coming, I thought all my work was going to be for nothing, I was so disappointed. But I stood my ground and took him out with no-scopes then I picked off that last pesky ghillie sniper. (65/69 stars)

Got lucky, better buy a lottery ticket! :P

Star 63.

Got all the way up to 63 stars out of 69 now in 'Spec Ops'. I ran through most of the missions with another friend today, he was really helpful so I helped him through some other missions too.Just these missions to go:

  • Big Brother
  • Snatch and Grab
  • Estate Takedown

:D Any tips?

I'm enjoying the summer holidays a lot, mainly playing games or messing around with the computer. I only go out once a week and that's only for my own good :P. Talking about staying at home, I'm watching 'Die Hard 2' right now, I've seen it before and it was very good, unrealistic but still terrific.

Until next time...probably tomorrow, cheers guys.

MW2 Platinum
The thing that will soon be mine :D

Spec Ops

Been playing 'Modern Warfare 2' again with a mate and he helped me finished two 'Echo Ops' on veteran, YAY! In return I helped him finish all the 'Alpha Ops', and a mix of the rest. Got 52 stars out of 69, get the rest and I get my third platinum!

Did you know the Jugganaut from MW2 has 'Get Sum' written on his crotch piece and 'Kick Me' on his back? I thought it was kinda funny when I first saw it, in the 'Armour Piercing' picture. Staying on the MW2 topic I can't wait till the tournament on CODU, it seems like a really neat idea that I've never seen before, very original. But it should be 2v2 not 1v1 (If you read this Mr Fuji, trust me, it will be more fun).

Oh and of course the January game night, sign up here.

If only Juggernauts looked like this, they wouldn't be as scary :P.

Oh and which one is better:

New Year's Day

How did everyone cope with New Year celebrations? Bit loud for me :P.

Atleast the fireworks looked awesome!

Just bought 'Mirror's Edge' online for just AU$18! Expecting it in 7 to 10 days.

Going to take a break, very sleepy :o

2009 Wrap Up

A triumphant decade of gaming has come to an end and I have enjoyed it thoroughly. It has been filled with amazing releases and it will be remembered as my main introduction to gaming with the purchase of my PS2, PSP and PS3. So this is my GotY choice and even my GotD (does that even exist? :P).

My game of the year award goes to 'Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2'. Over the year (and decade) games have been hyped so much, that they are crushed under the pressure of the fans, Modern Warfare 2, is not one of those games. The campaign may be short but it is solid, detailed and exciting. The multiplayer is what really digs its claws into the gamer, hooking them into a world of tactics and customisation. It is a fantastic improvement on the original ('Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare') which was already a fantastic game. MW2 really does raise the bar for what a FPS game should aim to be. This is a must own for the real gamer!

But it doesn't end there, since we will be entering the 2010's in one more day I decided to make a GotD, or the 'Game of the Decade'. There were plenty of amazing releases but for me, it is easy to narrow it down to one game that simply blew my mind, 'Grand Theft Auto IV'.

'Grand Theft Auto IV' will be remembered in gaming history just like others in the series. But GTA IV still stands out from the rest, it is simply the best game I have ever played. It takes what was fantastic about 'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas' and adds more features, such as the cover system and cell phone, more realism and a fantastic story! Veterans of GTA still claim San Andreas to be the king for its customisation elements, but I would still pick GTA IV any day. If you have a platform that is compatible with GTA IV, you must buy this game!



New Banner

I made a new banner today! It looks alright, can you guys give me your opinion of it? I also made a banner for my friend, you can see that here.

I want to put a new avatar up, just wondering which one you guys think is best?

I've been playing too much Assassin's Creed 2, got the platinum in five days and going through the story for the second time today :P. I can't wait until the New Year fireworks down by the harbour, I hope it's as good as it usually is. I also want to know, what games are everyone playing and what are you going to do for the New Year?

How was your Chistmas?

Long time no blog, wouldn't be the first time...

Just wanted to ask you guys what you got for Christmas and of course how did your Christmas go.

I got these:

and some cash.

I also got two platinums over the last week. (World at War, Assassin's Creed 2) and I also wrote a guide on how to get platinum in 'Modern Warfare 2'. You can check that out here. Not much else to say except that I am enjoying my summer holidays, hopefully I will blog again soon.

Back to Blogging

For me the holidays are ending and that means going back to school, but they can't be all bad, right? Well, wrong, exams are coming up and that means even less gaming time, and gamespotting time :(.

The main point of this blog though is to ask how everyone is doing, I went around to a few of my friend's profiles and it's good to see all the good news floating about. So please feel free to post a comment on how you've been these (Aussie) holidays!

I'm probably going to start blogging again and all I can say so far is that it is good to be a Gamespotter again.

P.S. Anyone want to play Call of Duty 4 with me and my friends on PS3/PC? It would be great to have more people @ http://triggerhappy.playogame.com/

Trigger Happy

I'm glad to announce that the 'Trigger Happy Faction' [>= 3] is finally online and we would love to have new members. If you want to join our clan you can head over to http://triggerhappy.playogame.com/ and hit resgister in the navigation bar. Our clan is mainly focussed on CoD4 at the moment and we cover all platforms except for the Xbox 360 (Due to lack of members who have a 360). Once we get enough members we may expand to CoD:WaW and other FPS games.

Please join because we would love to have a game night some time soon.

Buy in Bulk

This weekend I am going to buy a few games and luckily for me it will be very cheap :D. First up I am going to pre-order Assassin's Creed 2: White Edition which comes with an Ezio figurine. Hopefully they can go next to the MW2 NVG if I save enough money to buy them.

And if I am at the store, I may aswell finish off the rest of my shopping list. I also want to buy all the remaining Grand Theft Autos (minus Chinatown Wars). All that is left is Vice City and Vice City Stories. They will probably be only AU$30 and I can get some good value out of them.