I am unsure as to how successful the blackout was but i am going to write my Top 5 Changes anyway (well 6 really), so here goes:
1 - Do away with the annoying on the eyes and migraine inducing white background and the boring blue colour theme, everything looks the same, white and blue, i know websites are supposed to be consistent with their theme and colours but it is just plain boring. If they cannot change it for fear of more people complaining about a different colour then an easy option would be a simple skins options, even Gamespot has an option of either white on black or black on white, you have it on a sister site, then surely you awesome (sarcastic) designers can think of something.
2 - Extend the tracked blog section to more than 4, this annoys me very much as i like to read blogs by other members and it is easy to miss them as sometimes they do not show in my tracked blog section on my profile page as it only shows 4, call me lazy all you like for not clicking on see all tracked blogs, but i have never really had to do this before as the top 10 on the old theme was sufficient.
3 - This may seem petty but bring back the emblems for editors of shows and person guides, the whole site would be pretty much a shell if it was not for us users who take our own time to sit and contribute to your database, and some of us work very hard doing this....for free i may add, so some of us like to have our editor emblems back as we have in-fact worked for them.
4 - Restore the BB code so we can bold, italic, colour, number e.t.c. with ease like we used to have! blogs look ridiculously boring now and not everyone knows about or how to use tags.
5 - If you are going to have a expand section in the upper right corner then i have an idea..........why not make it work and make it worth even bothering to expand, i currently still have news in there from 2007 announcing the Life On Mars sequel Ashes to Ashes, the news headline reading 'Mars' Sequel Lifts Off at BBC' and it shows that i currently have 12 friends online, yet i can only 3 of their names are visible to click on, where are the other 9?? please test things before dumping them on us to test for you
6 - Not sure about anyone else but i liked the Pie chart showing the genre percentage of my favourite shows, and the list of how many contributions i had made that were accepted, pending or rejected, this should be shown on profiles for easy viewing, instead of having to go to contributions on the left and then into submission status, why make something so important to some users so out of the way instead of leaving it where it was.
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