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Jeric-Ho Blog

I am now an editor for a show!!! =)

And that show is the title of my last blog...Through The Dragon's Eye! i filled in the form to get the show added abou 6 days ago, and it got added already! usually takes weeks/months so i am happy, and i have been contributing my man t!ts off lol, and i am now the Through The Dragon's Eye editor, my first show editorship! :D

Next on the agenda is to add all of the episodes for the awesome finnish travel/documentary 'Madventures' which i also got added to the database yesterday! that will take some time as it has 35 episodes plus about 6 specials and so far i have only submitted 2 episodes, not only will it take awhile because there are 35+ episodes, but also most of the source pages for the show are in Finnish, so i have to sit and translate them, which takes time aswell, and i always have my girlfriend to help whom is a native Finn, she can help with some of the words i am not yet familiar with. This might put some people off from watching the show because it is in Finnish, but the DVD sets have english subtitles and it is a great, interesting and funny show, the 2 main guys Riku and Tuomas add their own uniqueness to the travel documentary genre! :D

Through the Dragon's eye.....

I have decided..Through the Dragon's eye is one of the best kids tv shows ever made! i remember watching this every week at school in 1989 when i was 6 years old, i now have all 10 episodes on DVD and i am loving it! The BBC released some quality kids shows in the Look and Read collection, my mission is to get Dark Towers on DVD aswell! :D

Anyone remember watching them? along with Geordie Racer, Sky Hawk among others..This will more than likely be directed at the UK members as i dont think they ever made it over to the US, if not, try and watch Through the Dragon's eye, they have episodes on youtube.! :D

Me and the people in my life (Pictures included) Copied of Gav! =)

I just read Gav's blog aka GibbonsGavin and thought it was cool, and i was in it in picture format which can only be good! :D So i have done my own, these are the main people in my life.... so this is me...Enjoy! :D

One - Me and my girlfriend Kaisa, whom i currently live with in Gateshead in the north east of England, Kaisa is originally from Finland - Taken at a rock festival in Finland called Ankka Rock, which translates to Duck rock :D

Two - From left to right, Pirjo (Pronounced Pee-(Rolling R)Ree-Yo, Kaisa's mam who came and visited from Finland), My mam Janice, Me, My dad Les aka Zeus and my girlfriend Kaisa - Taken on a day out for Kaisa's University graduation in Durham City.

Three - From left to right, Graham my sisters long term boyfriend, Me, My sister Donna and Grahams sister Rachel -Taken on the 26th May 2008 at the free music festival called 3volution, which i mentioned in a blog not long ago.

Four - My awesome brother's from other mother's John aka Mabs, Me and Gav aka member GibbonsGavin - Taken in a pub in Newcastle somewhere, ahh what a fun day that was! :D

Five - Me and my good friend Janne - Taken in Helsinki, Finland on the 18th March 2008, i miss this guy, he is cool.

Six - Anthony Stuart Head, me and David Walliams from Little Britain and of course Giles from Buffy - Taken in London a coupleof years ago, we were walking past and noticed they were shooting the intro to season 2 of Little Britain infront of Big Ben!

Seven - A random picture but a picture i love, John aka Mabs and me, in what could possibly be a scene from Brokeback Mountain 2 lol :D - Taken at a small monthly 2 day music festival called 'Rock The Barn' and is literally a barn, with a stage, that has a bar and there are bands and rock dj's, and a small campsite, and the best part is it only costs £5 for 2 days! :D

And there you have it, some picture of me and the people in my life! hope you enjoyed it! :D

Update on everything Me...Enjoy! =)

I leveled again in a matter of days, usually takes me weeks to a month to level, must be all this contributing i've started doing! and on another plus i am now editor for Eric Stoltz, Rob McElhenney, Kaitlin Olson and Rhys Darby, i got 3 editorships in one day! i'm impressed! :D

I have not been very well of late! for over a week now i have had a really bad chesty cough that burns like a b!tch then ever i cough, my nose refuses to stop running no matter how many times i blow it, this leading to me getting nose bleeds because of the constant blowing, but if i do not blow my nose then everything will be wet! :D i had a massiv enose bleed at work the other day, was just standing there and it started pouring! not the nicest of things to happen to you when you work in a restaurant now is it! :D

Other than that, all is good! in the life of Dave! Oh and it is my 25th birthday in 19 days! i'm having a house party! should be pretty awesome! :D and next month it is my dad's 50th birthday, whom is also having a big party, being his 50th and all i really need to buy something nice for him, it is my mams 50th in November so i was thinking of maybe buying them a holiday for around September time for both their 50th's! i think they would like that as they do not tend to go on holiday very often and would e nice for them to get away and spend some time together in a nice warm country! :D

P.S. Work still owes me my 2 weeks holiday pay from when i went to Finland in March, it is approaching the 11th week since i went to Finland and they keep f'ing up my pay! how retarded can payroll be if they can't even pay me 11 weeks afterwards! i am getting pissed by this, as i keep reminding my boss and she keeps saying, yes i have sorted it and it will be added onto your next pay, i get paid every 2 weeks, so i have to keep waiting 2 weeks in order to find out if it has been added, and then to find it has not! makes me so angry how rubbish some people can be at their jobs! she is my Boss, And also a general manager who goes away to her holiday home in Florida ever other month for 2 weeks, she gets paid £35,000/$70,000 a year, and she can't even pay me roughly £300 that i am owed! makes me sick! :(

New editorship! =)

I became the editor for the awesome and funny actor Glenn Howerton of 'It's always sunny in philadelphia' fame! and i just became editor for Sam Troughton aka 'Much' in BBC's Robin Hood! finally my contrubuting paid off! go me! :D

New Level! =)

Just achieved level 19! I am now the Fall Guy! its taking awhile but i am slowly moving through the ranks! :D

I hope to be the editor of a few Person Guides soon, well fingers crossed anyways! just some of the people i wouldnt mind being the editor for are really hard to find information about, like no interviews or anything so putting some of them on hold untill they do new interviews/shows/tv appearences/episodes e.t.c.!

The Eurovision Song Contest...

Will anyone be watching the Eurovision Song Contest tonight? i don't have anything else to do so gonna watch it with my girlfriend! mainly to see what Finland has to offer this year, The UK will be a pile of sh!t as always and most of it is usually rubbish anyway! but if Terry Wogan is narrating again this year it will probably have its funny parts, as he is always funny when narrating Eurovision! :D

Robin Hood BBC.....

A rediculously underated show! currently watching series 1, and have series 2 to watch after that! loving it!. that is all! juat a quickie! :D

Oh and my hayfever is killing me! :(

The Prestige..Full of Illusions & Trickery! =)

I know this is not the newest of films, but i have always wanted to see it since i missed it at the cinema because of work and holidays e.t.c. so i just got around to watching it and it was awesome!

If you like films about magic, Illusions and Tricks, then this is definatly for you!

Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale are awesome in this! they work together very well, specially as enemies!

I thought the Illusionist with Edward Norton was good, but this blows it away!, Can't believe it actually took me so long before i watched this!

Highly recommended! :D