@Bexorcist Still upset about her giving a 9/10 (almost perfect) to Grand Theft Auto? I swear to God GameSpot's community is comprised almost entirely of children under the age of 15.
@AggrandizedUser @mekentosh I'd say the difference there is that Naughty Dog, who makes very story-driven, cinematic experiences, crafted a very well done story and cinematic experience. The gameplay and concepts were nothing new, sure, but those weren't the focus. Nobody plays Arkham games for the story. THAT is the difference.
@Dguy103 Are you aware of how stupid you're making yourself look right now? Also, why the hell do you care if someone gives a "fair" review to a game you like? Her criticism is solid anyway. Also, when you say "I'm going to play this game no matter what this review says" you make it sound like you allow reviews to dictate your taste in most cases. Good luck with that.
@LVT_PTA_PB Have you played both games extensively, though? Have you been a fan following the series? If not, this review isn't for you in the first place, so don't get so worked up about it.
@Leozaur While I personally feel completely indifferent toward Saints Row, and more specifically I hold a "tolerant patience" toward the game's sense of humor, I think it's silly to see that hating the game's humor isn't a reason to hate the game, when the game is built ENTIRELY around its own sense of humor.
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