Personally, I think video game addiction is both very real and very serious and damaging. I used to be an addict myself, playing up to 8 hours every day and often turning down offers from friends to hang out because I would have rather stayed home and played video games alone. It was not just in my free-time, however, as I often made time for it when I didn't initially have any and also put it as a priority above far more important things. Like this study briefly mentioned, I found myself very easily immersed in game worlds and actually felt a need to play it. I would get so into character that I would share any emotion the character in the game had, and even feel sympathy or hatred toward certain other characters. That was about 5 years ago though, and I now rarely even play up to 10 hours in an entire week. Sometimes not at all. Looking back, I think my addiction came from exactly what this article implied: a lack of needs being fulfilled in the real-world. When I used to play games, I felt more in control of my environment and far more satisfied. I could set a goal, and actually reach it. I could make a difference in peoples lives (though not real lives of course) and people depended on me. That's really all I have to say, I guess. =/
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