i love it when people don't do **** to generate discussion in the forums but go around dispensing their disapproval of threads by saying things like 'old' when it's totally unnecessary. i mean, no one mentioned this game EVER in the forums; i'm sure i'm not the only one who's never heard of it; and it's not like the op simply said, 'hey, here's a game,' and didn't try to generate discussions about the game. if you think it's old news, then go to one of your 'what's your favorite game of all time' threads and voice your opinion there. but don't bother posting on here if all you're gonna say is that it's old news. you're up to speed on all the games; good for ****ing you.
i wonder if the fully 3-d environments will actually make a difference in terms of gameplay. but that sounds like the most interesting feature among those listed as new. i know other games have tried to incorporate it into the gameplay, and it looks like starcraft is doing small things with it, but if this game can actually bring topography into play in this game, that could make for a very different rts. and really, the rts genre hasn't changed all that much in terms of gameplay since dune 2 basically set the standard (which could be true for all genres, actually), so something signficantly different could be very welcome.
as for the multiplayer thing, i have yet to play a console rts, so i have no idea how the move to multiplatform would impact the gameplay. but i can imagine selecting multiple units would be tough to do without a mouse. is there a tbs aspect to the game like the total war series features?
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