I don't quite agree with that. While it was certainly harder to use your suit effectively against them than it was against human enemies, I was able to to an extent. Took down like four of them at once one time with just my fists by maneuvering around with speed to outpace them and strength to jump over stuff, grabbing them and punching them to death, or just getting a jab in with strength every now and then.fatshodan
Sorry, I wasn't thinking about what I was saying - specifically what I meant was that they can see through cloak. My hope is that that will be changed for Warhead. They could explain it away by having an event where something happens to Psycho's suit - a power surge or something, whatever. But I didn't like not being able to stealth them. I did still make full use of the other suit features while fighting them.
i made full use of one of the suit features - maximum armor! and sometimes maximum speed to get the hell out of there!
I'm not complaining about the review, I'm complaining about the score, I just don't see how it deserved a 9.4/10.
i know, but the score is a reflection of the review. how can you say that you don't see how it deserved a 9.4/10 when you haven't even read the review. if you want to know how it deserved a 9.4/10, then read the review; until then, it's pointless to complain about the score.
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