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JodyR Blog

Oops the Spot!

For those of you who watched today's On the Spot show, I was asked about what games I would like to see at E3. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is the only game that came to mind. If you don't know why I love Quake then I don't think we can be GameSpot friends anymore! :P Although if I was prepared for that question I probably would have also mentioned Assassin's Creed and Brain Age 2 for the DS. The research I did to write up those questions for Jade Raymond's interview a few weeks back allowed me to dig deeper into Assassin's Creed. I can only expect for it to be one impressive game.

As for my personality, if you don't know me then you would never know that I am silly. Putting a camera in front of me just emphasizes the goof in me. Yes I mess up but that's how I am in real life. The times I am unfamiliar with a system usually takes me a few times to get something right. Yes, this was the first time asking questions and will I get better? I normally do so I don't see myself getting any worse. Learning the routine on how things work on that show was all new to me and it was nothing like being on Tournament TV.

Other than helping out with the Live team for the E3 show, I'll also be working on this other project while I'm at the event. I am trying my best to work on that project during the times the E3 show isn't live. I'll have to talk about this more once it's finished. Sorry!

As for my bead craft that some of you keep asking about, I had it all ready to go and a couple days of work done and then I felt I wanted to have black string since Quake needs to have that dark look to it. About a day after working on the black string version my cat attacked it! I didn't think about it at the time but I should have taken a picture.

A couple of weeks after E3 I plan to head out to Texas for Quakecon! I am helping them run one of their tournaments again this year.

The calling of JerichO and Shadowrun!

Ahh, that wasn't a very good twist for a blog title but it's early and I wanted to post something half awake here! This weekend I rented Shadowrun, and this game has a lot of fun factor to it. Maybe it it's the way I could play with Magic, Tech and weapons all in one bundle? Whatever the case, I haven't finished all of the training but the times I played with the bots after the training sessions were a lot of fun. The game kept surprising me with the things I was capable of doing. Coming from the FPS/PC background it is still difficult for me to aim properly with the controller. When they come at me so quickly (up close and personal)I start wanting to jump and then my thoughts start with the... where's my space key to jump! Where's the A and D keys to strafe? Where's my mouse look? It's just my natural way of playing shooters and when I am overwhelmed I want to grab for what makes me feel comfortable and what gets the job done properly is my mouse and keyboard. Oh how I miss my keyboard and mouse... Well, I killed a lot and that's all that matters right now. I do believe that the more I play these console shooters the more I may be able to get rid of the feeling that I am handicapped without my keyboard and mouse.

I also checked out the LotR online game (I have a free 10 day trial from a good friend of mine) and it kept crashing on me. I believe I need to update a video driver. I let some of my friends know that I planned on checking out the Myst mmo beta too but I never got around to it over the weekend. I watched so many episodes of Jericho and I was also trying to finish a bead project.

Jericho reminds me of the Red Dawn movie. I was very young when I first watched this movie but I watched it later when I was a teenager. I think this TV show has sucked me in. I forgot which GameSpot member in the Tournament TV chatroom told me about it. He was persistent on talking about the show in the chatroom. I want to say his alias had wingsupreme or wingcommander or something in his alias. Well, thanks for letting me know about the show Mr Wing guy! It was very nice of you to share your passion for such a great tv show.

As for my beading project, it's the string type (not wire). I really don't know how well this Quake bead bracelet will come out. If this one doesn't look how I want it to, I'll make another until I get it JUST RIGHT. I have enough beads to make hundreds of bracelets. ;) Hey, I am sure some of my friends at Quakecon wouldn't mind the weird looking ones.

ZomG! She spammers!

Yes, I got the zomg term from Bethany in case you didn't notice. I am going to mention some info about my union becauseI want to make sure you know about what I enjoy doing on the side. For years I have interviewed developers, publishers, media/website owners, gamers and teams on a variety of sites that I have worked with. The LadyGamers' Creed Union spotlights have been a tad different because I am able to dig a little deeper than I have with news at LGC is supposed to be more community driven and you'll even notice that the Female Gamer Spotlights will welcome any questions that you want to ask the interviewee. Since I've released every category I plan to feature at the LadyGamers' Creed Union, I wanted to mention the latest interviews that have been released. Here are the link-aroos!

Industry Spotlight

Glynnis Campbell is known for her voice-over acting in StarCraft and Diablo. Will her voice be in Starcraft II? We asked her...

Gamer Spotlights

princesszelda is a vblog queen on GameSpot, and she also assists as a volunteer moderator to keep our forums clean.

Oni is a very talented artist but you'll never know that a Ninja Nun exists until you read her interview!

Team Spotlights

Army Op Girlz can kick your butt at American's Army and there's not much you can do to stay alive around these ladies.

PMS has over 500 female gamers in their clan, and we talked to the ladies from the International Division.

Resisting the WoW Temptation

Gruesome hours of moving for two days (Friday I moved everything myself and Saturday I had a couple of friends help) has given me no time to play any video games. I can't seem to find my Nintendo DS but I have lots of boxes to unpack yet.  I'm sure it will eventually show up. On Sunday I spent over 7 hours cleaning the old place so I was beat with three days of work and no play.

I was thinking about re-subscribing to World of Warcraft today.  I unsubscribed in March thinking I was moving then. I have this feeling I'll be sucked in and wont play any Xbox 360 games for a while. I am thinking to hold off a couple of weeks because I really need to work on my Xbox 360 gamerscore. I have to admit, I haven't ever been a 60 level in World of Warcraft yet so you can imagine why I want to play the game still. It's almost like finishing a game to me (hah, well you can feel like you've finished it by reaching the highest level, right?) and I really want to see some of the areas I haven't visited from being in the mid 50 ranges with my Tauren Hunter and Draenei Priest. If I subscribe again right now I'll end up hurting my 360 gamerscore so I must resist the temptation right now at all costs.

Hand Tendons

Yes, I learned about tendons when I was younger but it was a word I learned from going to see a Doctor about an accident that happened. I had my left hand injured and I couldn't grip anything for a few weeks. I worked at a grocery store as a bagger while I was in high school.  The cashier put two 2-liter bottles of Pepsi to bag and for some reason one fell on the other and from the pressure one of them came at a bad angle on my left hand. Bagging with only my right hand for about 3-4 weeks wasn't too much fun. Thankfully, I had a really nice Store Manager so he did what he could to give me other tasks that didnt require me to strain my good hand.

This weekend I ended up playing Rayman Raving Rabbids and Cabela's African Safari on the Xbox 360. My right index finger (trigger) and my wrist are so sore. How much is too much when it comes to your hands? I wonder if I'll grow muscles in areas I never knew about in my hands or if I am going to strain them too much and injure my tendons. By the way, Raving Rabbids is so much fun! I am currently having a problem trying to sheer sheep though. Besides the cow basketball (which took me about 30 tries), the sheering sheep is extremely difficult.

P.S. My thumb was doing fine about 2 days after being squished. :)

Getting To Know GameSpot

Aaron Thomas has released another Getting to Know GameSpot video. This week I'm in it. :) [video=JCMyxjfx5b4OszLX] Be sure to check out the other videos he has released for other GameSpot staff.


I got my thumb stuck in the garage door tonight. You would not believe how hard it is to type without it (my left thumb that uses the space key). I'm hoping it doesn't get any worse but I am grateful that I didn't have a piece of my thumb lost tonight. It's swollen right now but I did put ice on it for about a half an hour. I was going to meet up with some friends on Xbox live tonight too. :(

Gears of War Competitions

Since I've been getting into the shooter console scene more I figured this would be blog worthy (I'll also post it in my Union since a female gamer wrote the article). As you already know, we'll be hosting a Gears of War Tournament very soon. But how much do you really know about the competitive scene for this game? Check out's article that asks the question; What ever happened to Gears of War? BatGirl describes her investigation on why there is a definite lack of tournaments.

User Video Questions & Comments

Thanks for all of your feedback abput my first video at GameSpot. Here are some answers to the private messages and comments in my blog and videos.

1. Keep at it! Many of you encouraged me to continue to play. Thanks for the tips about how to aim I really appreciate that. I have been told that some shooter console games have a type of auto-aim. In the PC scene if you have any type of aim assistance (via aim bots, etc) you are considered a loser. I understand why consoles have this assistance but you can only imagine how much I would feel like I was cheating if I have assistance. When I noticed that a button allowed me to run for cover I felt like I was cheating! As you can see I have a long journey ahead to get to know the console shooter scene. For some of you who have been playing console shooters for years I am probably light years away from what you know. Then again, if you never played a PC shooter then you're light years away from what I know. I have a little over 10 years of experience in this area. 

2. What do you mean FPS? It's a Shooter: I called this a FPS because you can zoom in on someone in first person view. I had one guy mention that Gears of War wasn't a FPS. I looked into it further to find out that this game is categorized in the shooter genre. You learn something new every day. I am still a toddler in the console shooter scene. It may take me a while to get to know the lingo.

3. You are so bad at this game; I played awesome the first time: Yeah, I explained that in the first video. If I wanted to be superficial I could have played this game a couple of days to good at it and pretend it was my first time playing the game. Or maybe I could have edited out the dumb parts. Did I want to show the real me? Of course, I am not going to pretend I am better at something than I really am. I can't say that I liked my ego being crushed. If I was on a server for a variety of popular FPS games in the past I was normally 1st, 2nd or 3rd on the server. I am a bit rusty lately from playing World of Warcraft though. I am not really bad at games so this really was much more humiliating than you can imagine.

4. Can you play other console games? Of course but when it comes to online games I normally choose PC games. I am trying to change that as much as possible because I know there has to be some great online games on consoles. The genres I normally play with console games are adventure, racing and fighting.

5. But you ran Xbox Live tournaments, how could you really be this terrible? To admin a tournament you don't have to be as good as the players who register for it. The tournaments I ran were great because I had assistance with staff and other players who were heavily in a particular game's scene. From having their knowledge it was easier to admin the tournaments I helped out with in the past. I can say that I got really familiar with Xbox Live during that time and that is one reason why I have been interested in this platform. Plus, you have a wonderful tournament coordinator that is extremely talented and passionate with all types of games!  ;)

6. Add me to Xbox Live! I'll add my gamertag to my profile as soon as I get it registered. I don't think my real alias will be available but I have yet to figure out how I am going to hook up the internet to my 360. It's easy at work because we have outlets everywhere but I may need to see if I have a router at home. I am not very tech savvy so I may have to bug some friends about it.

7. How did you do the first person view on your controller? Well, if I told you this it would ruin my prestige (haven't you seen that movie?). Maybe one day I'll make a video about how silly I look with my digital camera but for now... I'm the magician and you're my audience! No tomato throwing please...

8. Why didn't you read the Gears of War handbook? I rented Gears of War and the handbook wasn't included. Sure, I am known to jump into a game after skimming the handbook until I learn the hard way. If I had the handbook for Gears of War I would have read it because this game seems like it would have needed it. As for the others saying there was a tutorial I don't think I played the game enough to know this. But as you noticed I took the training route in the game to discover how to play through the single player campaign.

9. Your TV is so small. Yes it is and this is exactly why I bought it. I got tired of trying to move huge a huge TV from place to place. Calling my b/f or trying to find friends to move a TV is annoying. I have never really cared about surround sound systems and the way the game looks on my TV or monitor, why would I care about that now?  Then again, you should try being a girl who can't lift a heavy TV with another person. At least I can move this TV around anywhere I need to and when I want to. ;) 

10. What type of digital camera was that?  It's a Canon PowerShot A530 digital camera. I tested it out before recording these videos and it came out fuzzy. After setting up my desk lamp it came out much more clear. The video sound wasn't great but it didn't do too bad indoors. I have recorded videos outdoors and this digital camera does awful with sound recording. The wind really destroys my videos.

On a final note, I rushed in there at the end when I knew better. By the time I got to that area I really wanted to shoot the guy and he wasn't even getting any damage. I rushed in there at the end and I know this is the reason why I died. Game Over

My First User Video is Humiliating

Not really my first video blog but it is my first video on GameSpot! Tonight was my first shot at Gears of War. I used my digital camera to record.

Coming from a FPS background where I always played with ASWD on the keyboard, space key to jump, Q to crouch, and used the mouse to move my head around in the game makes it difficult to even think about a game pad. How do you jump or look around, let alone shoot? I did feel a little comfortable using the right trigger key because I used the same finger I use when I shoot with my mouse key.

I remember the first time I tried Halo on the Xbox. Oddly enough I was at id Software's office at the time I tried it. I recall the guys telling me to try Halo out and I laughed because out of all people these guys would have to understand how weird it was playing without a mouse and keyboard. It took me about 1 hour before I felt okay in the game. I think I played Halo maybe three times after then. Ready for my humiliation? See it for yourself! [VIDEOS]

Note: The video ended up being longer than 10 minutes so there are two videos.