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Reason to eat at McDonalds!

You need to be a doll lover and then you'll have a reason. The 2007 Madame Alexander Happy Meal Promotion started Friday, March 23rd. This year the dolls are from Wizard of Oz, and they will be available until April 19th (or while supplies last). You can see what the dolls look like in the gallery over at I wonder if they allow people without kids to buy Happy Meals. If not, I guess I'm going to have to borrow someone's kid.

Wondering about Female Characters?

Oopsie, I forgot to mention that I posted about Female Characters over at LG Creed. There's talk about why men play female characters, the ways a women play male or female characters, how female characters are portrayed in games, three dimensional characters and more.

Quake Wars Delayed Again?

Quake Wars may be delayed until 2008? This news makes me really upset... :(   I played the game at E3 this last year and really liked what I saw. The game looked as if it was ready to be released this year, and I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. I guess this means more time playing WoW's expansion, which is actually very good for a pacifier.

Lastest Ramblings

Last week, CNET had a Kickoff 2007 party. I planned on editing out the videos I recorded at the party to put on youtube over the weekend but I ended up not being able to stop playing the WoW expansion all weekend. Here's one of the many pictures that were taken. It's everyone's favorite... Tim Tracy.

Friday night, Saturday all day and Sunday until around 5pm was spent playing WoW. I event set my alarm to wake up at 7am every morning during the weekend (I never do that!). 

I forced myself out of the game to work on some more emails I am still behind on Sunday night. I am greatful for meeting some really cool people in my new guild, and having some people who I work with who happen to also be on the server.  I do want to thank edu for assisting me most of Saturday morning, and Dee for her generosity of four 14 slot bags and some gold, she rocks!

I had a really hard time trying to convert to Alliance but I really like the Draenei and this is what converted me over. I am normally Horde so I wasn't really used to some of the emotes that alliance peeps use. I am also used to being a Hunter so there were some occasions where I would desire to put down a trap and check radar but what really got me was the White Moth pet I have. I was being attacked and I was wondering why my pet wasn't attacking it at first. Then I realized again that it can't protect me, I'm not a hunter! 

My Priest is at level 15 and half now, and I've been doing mining, and jewelry. I plan to be a Shadow Priest only because I may have to solo a lot (most of the people I know on the server are grinding their level 60s to get to 70).   

Among other things, I had some problems trying to learn wire beadwork, and I know some of it has to do with me not knowing how to manipulate the wire. I did find out that I needed a thing called a Jig more than ever. I ordered it a couple of days ago and received it just last night. Now I just need to pull myself away from playing WoW to work on my jewelry OUTSIDE THE GAME.

Beadwork Art

If you haven’t noticed already, I was finally able to find my friend who hosts my two websites and now I have FTP access to both of them again. I have been in such an overwhelming good mood lately that everyone at work kept asking what was up. I kept telling them, I got access to my websites again!

You may not know this unless you knew me from the Quake days but I have always treated websites that I have worked on as if they were my own kids (maybe it’s because I don’t have any kids?). I am sure some people can relate to what I am saying but when you create something and you nurture it, you tend to have that sense of feeling as if it’s something you really love. I often called my baby to even the id Software guys and they knew I took care of that site as if it was because I lived, breathed and even dreamt about it while I was the Site Director for it. So you can now imagine why I was so happy, because it is MINE and owned by me. ;)

So, since hasn’t been a site I have been able to access since October, you can understand why I have been trying to get through over 2,000 emails with news and inquiries about the site. The awesome thing though, I used to publish a feature called Focus of the Month but majority of the time I would have to search to find someone who fit the categories such as; gamer, mod, website, and others. But since I have been going through these emails it is like I now have many of them lined up and waiting for my response, which is a wonderful thing. It does mean that I have a lot of writing I need to do. Not just investigating the person or their website, or mod, but also apologizing for never responding and letting them know the site is back and active again. I am crossing my fingers that some of them that emailed me in October will still be interested. I hate sending late responses to people but we'll see how that goes.

While going through some links in the LadyHunt section (I do this every few months since people either move to new hosts or their websites disappear), I bumped into some really cute Mario Brothers related beadwork at Wonderland.

Some of you know that I recently mentioned that I was getting back into beads. This gives me some ideas with one game I won’t ever stop loving…… oh dear. Quake beads here I come!!!

Latest Games

The past few weeks I have played a variety of games. I think out of the bunch, Viva Piñata and Company of Heroes stood out.  When I day dream about a game, I kind of know it's something that has me hooked.

I was persuaded by a few friends to try Viva Piñata, and one of them is someone you know, Kevin aka fiddlecub. He went on and on about this game and said if I liked Animal Crossing I would like this one. I had to be honest with him; I never cared for Animal Crossing so why would I like Viva Piñata?  After trying the game I was hooked, and other games like GH2 and Company of Heroes were neglected for a while there.

Viva Piñata may be considered a kiddy game to some people, but I tend to take it more seriously. I will admit that when I used to see video clips featured On the Spot, I would chuckle on how serious someone could take a game like it, even if I am known to like things that are adorable or cute. 

Last Saturday morning while flipping TV channels, I bumped into the Viva Pinata cartoon. I had been playing the game every day for over a week so when I saw this I started wondering if this game was targeted towards kids. Viva Piñata may have a lady's voice who acts as if she is talking to kids but I tend to avoid listening to her as often as I can. I visualize Jo Frost from Super Nanny when she talks, so each time I receive an alert message I'll make sure I click it fast enough to avoid listening to her. I have nothing against Super Nanny, I like to watch the show if I happen to come across it but the thought of being scolded by her makes me feel like a child again. If there is a sequel, it would be nice for them to ask how old you are and change the game in some areas to welcome that age group of players. 

I have mainly been a PC gamer for the past 10 years, so if I find a game on a console that I can't get enough I become really impressed. Viva Piñata is now up there with games like Beyond Good and Evil and Primal.

As for Company of Heroes, it has some great new gameplay features I normally don’t find in real time strategy games.  I love how the cinematic clips are, and it makes me want to see more and more about the history of World War II.  However, the game does seem to crash frequently. I believe the latest patches I installed aren't working properly so I am in the process of reinstalling the game when I get back from the Christmas Holiday.

Guitar Hero 2 and Eragon

I finally gave in to buy GH2 and a Guitar during the Black Friday visit to Best Buy yesterday. For the past few weeks I've been playing this game on my boyfriend's PS2 memory card. Since I can't play it all of the time I decided that I needed to get my own game to put it on my PS2 memory card. That means it's all MINE! I did finish the easy mode on my boyfriend's memory card so I do want to start over and get more 5 stars instead of 3 and 4 stars this time around. Plus, I want to unlock the cool guitar (shh, I'd describe it but I don't want to give you any spoilers, I will say that it's green).

This Thanksgiving dinner was all about Guitar Hero II. After dinner was over some friends who were getting drunk on wine and other liquor (hey I was a bit tipsy as well!) were sitting down waiting for our stomachs to settle so we could eat apple and pumpkin pie later. Some of them went outside for a smoke break and I challenged one of new guys I met for the first time that night. His eyebrow went up when I said, "okay, lets go, you versus me at GH2!" I didn't realize he was that good. When we finally got ready to play against each other I told him I was easy and he laughed and replied, " uhh, don't say that to too many guys." I told him I meant easy MODE! Heh.

After the first hour of still playing easy mode most of the people there ganged up on me and said it was about time for me to promote myself to Medium mode. All of them were playing this mode and some of them weren't good at it so it didn't really matter that I wasn't good for first few songs. I did get it down pretty well and after 3 more hours of Guitar Hero 2 my pinky was hurting from using the blue key too often. It was great fun though, totally worth having an injured pinky finger.

I also met this girl there that night who really digged playing Guitar Hero II. I am telling you, this game is for anyone! Even the girl who checked me out (the register silly!) at Best Buy said the same thing. She asked me. "OHHH have you played this game before?" I told her yes, and the first game too. She said it was her favorite game of all time. I also saw this older lady walk out the door with GH2 in her cart. This game is spreading with GH2 more than it did with the first game! Now if only there was an internet multiplayer mode so I could challenge all of you once I was able to play Hard mode! :twisted:

Today I received a newsletter from Sierra mentioning that the Eragon game was released. I went down to EBGames to buy the PS2 version. I haven't read the books before but I do want to watch the movie.

Oh! Who is going to see Eragon when it comes out in the threaters this December? I should gather peeps in Bay Area like I used to when I worked at Mplayer. Those were the days. :)

Anyways, as you can see I don't have that many PS2 games because I sold many of them to GameCrazy when I lived in Texas a few years ago. So if you have any recommendations let me know! And don't be telling me some sport game is good, the only sport game I would try is a Hockey game.

Hosting Problems

For those of you who asked the past 6 weeks about my personal websites, I have been having problems accessing them through FTP. I have a friend that hosts both of my websites and he has been very difficult to reach.

Most of the content on my caligirl site has had content uploaded that was old, 2 years old and another section of the site. It's a bit of humility I have been enduring the past weeks. LadyGamers on the other hand has lost the news engine access so there hasn't been any news added lately.

As soon as things get back to normal (crossing my fingers I can hunt my friend down), then I'll post the After Hours 2006 pictures I took. :)

Thanks for all of your patience and thanks for being so persistent on asking me why my websites have been down. 

I love my DSlite

I rarely post blogs you say! Wuh? I havent had time for my personal journal so dont feel like you're missing much.

My birthday was last Wednesday and even if I worked late, the evening was met with the greatst gift of the year! My boyfriend bought me a DS lite and a cute hot pink case for it. I was ecstatic, and  it did make me like him that much more. He's a gamer, so naturally that's one reason why I like him so much. We both played Quake in the day.

He also bought me Brain Age for it. On the Spot viewers normally cheer in live chat on Thursdays if anyone on the show mentions this game. But I am normally watching for any Terms of Use abuse so I can't really watch 100% on the screen as most people can. Therefore, I didnt pay much attention other than the whole BRAIN AGE chants in live chat about the game.

So when my b/f gives this game as a gift for the DS lite I wonder why and dont recall that much about it. I have to say, every day I wonder how old my brain is now, and that's what keeps me playing it. That's pretty bad. I know how old I am but how old is my brain?

Although, don't you think it should be the other way around? Best age should be OLD like late 90s with the oldest (most wise being like 119 or something), not 20s.  Either way, this game rocks, and I love my DS lite.  Now, if only I could think of other cool games worth checking out.

Lastly, thanks for all of the birthday wishes some of you sent me.