JoeRatz16's forum posts
Why should this make them happy?Harshvardhan6661. It's a sign somebody actually cares about them. 2. Africa has a large Catholic population, so they should be happy about it 3. Why shouldn't it make them happy
Here's some points I'de like to discuss about it:
1. I heard that Obama spent $30 million on this. Now the question is couldn't that money have been used for better purposes, like given to poor people, or Obama could have donated it to the gov't to pay off part of our National debt, could he have used it to build a hospital?
2. Are Presidential campaigns (and other political campaigns) too extravagant and to wasteful. Like the Obama question, couldn't politicians put their campaign money to better use, how about, in stead of using the money to promote their campaign, they use it for the common good of the people?
just some suggestions.
In March 2009, the Pope is going to visit Africa (Angola and Cameroon) for the Synod of African Bishops. I'm sure many Africans are excited, and hopefully this will draw people's attention to the Continent's problems and lead the world community to do more to alleviate poverty and stop violence in Africa.
That's what he said in his letter.
well keep up the good work, your Eminence. Let's keep fighting the culture wars until the Culture of Life triumphs over the Culture of Death, And in this election, Obama has allied himself to Planned Parenthood, thus he is on the Dark Side, and thus Christians must oppose him.
and of the senators and Representatives which party, the Majority or the Minority, is expected to gain more seats.What's at stake:
- 1 President
- 1 Vice President
- 35 Senators
- 435 Representatives
- 11 Governors
- a bunch of local elections
- a bunch of local propositions
I think that covers it.
Apparently Al Franken(stein) is running for senate and he has a history of mocking Christianity and in particular of insulting Catholicism. An example is when he said "isn't Cardinal O'Connor an a**hole".
What are this guy's chances of actually being Senator if he is so disrespectful towards a large portion of Americans?
This video here shows exactly what is at stake in this election.
Google has a free Halloween special on how to save tons of money on utilities bills. This thing calculates it all for you, FREE.
Good luck and enjoy, and go save some green (the environment and your wallet).
Rights are not decided by popular vote, so wether or not the public agree with the womans right to choose (in the democrat's eyes) makes no difference as to wether that right should be defended or not.Mr_sprinklesthen what are rights decided by? the Pro-life movement would say God decides the rights which include the right to life. The Declaration of Independence says all men have the right to "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness". Nowhere does the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence state a right to abortion. Only Roe v. Wade does, and the Supreme court is not infallible.
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