I'm a Christian and believe in seperation of Church and State. If it wasn't that way, it wouldn't be very fair for the minority.LikeHateradeIndeed. For example we wouldn't want to end up like the first French Republic which nationalized the church and tried to make the clergyman state employees and required them to take an oath of allegiance to the republic.
JoeRatz16's forum posts
This Sunday is two important events:
1. The World Synod of Bishops in Roma.
2. The Red Mass (for Political leaders and judges) in Washington D.C.
It should be interesting. By the way the topic for the Synod will be on Scripture. The U.S is actually sending quite a number of representatives, plus one of the three co-chairs (William Cardinal Levada, prefect of the CDF) is American.
here is an insightful and entertaining article about how American's tend to view America as being a sort of chosen people. And the similarities and differences about how our political parties interpret this.
It ends with this quote
There is a liberation theology of the Left, and there is also a liberation theology of the Right, and both are at heart mammon worship. The liberation theology of the Left often wants a Barrabas, to fight off the oppressors as though our ultimate problem were the reign of Rome and not the reign of death. The liberation theology of the Right wants a golden calf, to represent religion and to remind us of all the economic security we had in Egypt. Both want a Caesar or a Pharaoh, not a Messiah.
here is an article I found. What do you think the message is. To me it seems the main point is that it's easier to act virtuously rather than trying to see what we can get away with.
:lol:, Thanks for the laugh.ragek1ll589what's so funny, they really are joining interpol.
Apparently many French Muslims are attending Catholic schools which they find more tolerant then Public Schools which ban Muslim girls from wearing the headscarves (the Catholic schools allow them to). Actually I think this is a good development because it could lead to a friendship between Muslims and Christians which would harm terrorism and Islamic extremism. On the Other Hand French Secularists might now worry: A Catholic-Muslim Alliance could be strong enough to do away with Laicite and bring more religious values to France, maybe even to the point of banning abortion (Imagine that).
Although one Catholic High School Principal says that sometimes History lessons can turn into heated debates when the Israeli Palestinian conflict or the Crusades are discussed.
Are you a parody?Theokhothwhat do you mean?
Our Nation must accept a culture of life if we are going to remain pure in God's eyes. mysterylobsterIndeed. And you know what happens to culture of death countries, their economies collapse.
This October the Vatican will now join Interpol. I wonder if they will now be sending Vatican police around the world to arrest the abortionists and bring them to an ecclesiastical tribunal?
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