@G1ingy Lords of Shadows is pretty good if you pull your head out of previous castlevania games butts. And yes.. i've played those and i've quite enjoy'd them however in the meantime while they made this new one i'll play it also, and it's very welcomed in my library.
@galdoblame 60 dollar for the game... 7 dollar a month subscription fee afterwards. That's a pretty bad way to do things. I like Guild Wars pay model where you pay for the full game until an expansion then you pay for the expansion.. this way you can play the game when you want w/o having to worry about paying more if you stop playing or anything like that at all.
Not worth it.. Street fighter is incomplete... RE6 is something everyone can pass on... Megaman 10 devil may cry 4 and Dead rising you can get all of them for less than 30 dollars..... Dead Rising 2 sucks though.
@xophaser @Joedgabe The game is pretty bad honestly.. and RE1 is pretty sweet.. thought i like RE2 and Veronica more it has clearly fallen from what it once was. Capcom needs to learn when to stop following a story and just either remake a new one or drop it. This is turning out just like Megaman X.... a game that should have ended 3 games before the last one.
@xophaser wasn't een a mindless shooter because you was able to wrestle the zombies. I only used ammo when i didn't have stamina basically... the game sucked though and the story was so bad and dumb it could have gotten you mad. SPOILERS! the last boss is a Giant Mosquito! after it has turned into a T-Rex because **** logic.
@canelacandy @nyran125tk most free MMO's out there suck a lot.. and are pay to win.. they reward players who invest in the game and make the game near impossible with out you paying some type of money or invest an incredible amount of hours to have the in game currency to purchase upgraded items from people that used cash shops. Best free mmorpg out there is dragon's nest and let me tell you.. it's all rigged to make you like the game until you reach cap level and then they make you feel weak as shit unless you upgrade... and upgrading requires an extensive amount of luck. ( Like 5% chance to upgrade to a decent level with a 20% chance to degrade and like a 15% chance to break ) it's all made to make you spend money or feel like you've wasted your time a bit w/o making it to the end.. as gamers that's horrible.
Joedgabe's comments