@Prime_28 3DS is alright.. a bit overrated... i wish people would recommend me all the wonderful games they play that it's sooo fantastic. Already own RE ( good ) Fire emblem ( a bit less than okay ) Monster hunter ( it's fun to a certain point ) and then i cna't think for the life of me what other game to get for it.. ? i'm not a fan of platformers... don't like luigi's mantion... the mario rPG looks good but i can't get into them ( i have the bowser one and i can't find the interest to play it ) ):< where are all the wonderful games ?
@EL_Bomberdor Such a jerk.... a lot of PC gamers buy the game. A lot of Consoles pirate games also.... and i mean a lot.... a lot of 2nd world countries buy consoles specifically to get them modded to pirate games. I know this because i visit two of them and when you go to a game shop they ask if you want pirated games or original.
Now i'm interested in the game.. i was skeptical before because of GTA 4 and the missions... but now they're providing a place where you can cause mayhem and not get bored for a while. I Still rather get it on pc though
First great looking game that will be on Next Generation Consoles and it's a multiplat :P
I wonder if all versions will be the same (aside from the graphics ) if they are i'll get it on a next gen console to have something to play on them because the first party lineup stinks.
Joedgabe's comments