Well i hope they maintain making great games like Far Cry 3 and not too many sequels like all the AC. However these sales decline would make one of their leading bosses think less of games like Far Cry 3 and more milking from AC.
@Incubus420 A game reaching 700k it's great news... it's a bit odd how Capcom complaints at 5m units sold but maybe they just want COD numbers which isn't gonna happen that easily. And thinking about it nintendo games only sell sooo much on their console because that's pretty much all people can get on them because it had little 3rd party support. So put it this way.. nintendo games have no competition on their consoles while Sony and M$ do. People have to choose from buying The Last of Us or GTA5. While on a Nintendo Console is either a Mario game or ZombieU. So in the end 3.4 M shipped it's great... selling even a million units it's great.
@deth420 @Deadman_est1982 Not all of them take steroids. In any case.. they probably let them be because LoL produces a lot of money and it's extremely popular..
uhmmm I can see why they needed Visa's for the competitions.. but this can easily backfire tremendously among the people here especially those that are waiting for family members to get a visa to come over. This is actually very delicate not just gaming wise...
I have nothing against new pokemons... however when is gamefreak going to fix pokemon's main problem ? making all the pokemons viable ? at least their last evolution. This pokemon for example http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Abomasnow_(Pok%C3%A9mon)
It has 7 freaking weaknesses why would anyone bother using that pokemon ? so why bother making it ? this is pokemon's main problem into being it's own perfect game... it has too many filler pokemon with no way to make them useful in competitive play.. in fact you can't even use him to beat the game.
Is this carolyn's opinion? or is it Gamespot the website as in all the employees and she's just publishing it ? I never knew there were places where you get paid ( if they are ) for writing whatever you want and posting your opinion with lack of moral discipline.
uhmmm I'm looking foward for the HD remakes.. but a 30 minute teenage dramma scene at the end it's something that put's me off.... FF10 was great except 2 things brought it down to ok... the Story based on teenage drama was badly done. 2nd! there was no world map and no exploring for the first time in Final Fantasy that became a horrible trend.. i want world map back with chocobos and airships and boats with a world map ofcourse and a story that's about how 1 person on an adventure ends up with 7 other characters that save the world in a proper developed story.
Forcing people to buy kinect when they didn't want it in the first place doesn't seem like something you can excuse. There's no reason at all for the X1 to work only with the kinect. They're really just trying to see how much can they get away with at this point.
Joedgabe's comments