I guess there really is no standard or rules at all when a reviewer writes a review on Gamespot, it is solely based on the reviewers opinion and it doesn't matter in the least if the game was good or not, though it feels as if it shouldn't be that way when it's a representing review of a game that will follow it forever...
on a side note.. this game reinforces my decision in not wanting a Wii-U at all.
It feels like McShea starts with his opinion before playing the game and tries to debate it to death while playing it.. while i can justify that he may have been correct on the honest score.. i just don't see his point in the review. What was the overall intention of the game that it failed to deliver ?
It's kinda odd.. i mean i haven't played the Last of Us yet however isn't it based on some states from the United States ? wouldn't it be normal for them to take actual structures and make it into the game? while i do feel for the artist and not getting credit he's going a bit over board with this.. next thing we know with all these laws and shit humans would be copyrighted which i wouldn't be surprised at this point.
Joedgabe's comments